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  1. That's what I'm doing now. Was hoping there might be a simplified way. thanks.
  2. I'm working on v2 of https://github.com/willfarrell/alfred-pkgman-workflow Currently I'm passing in the {query} to a script filter and on enter passing the url in the `arg` param to a `Open URL` action. The urls follow no pattern sadly. In V2 I would like to be able to press `cmd` and have a custom string copied and pasted into a package file instead of the url. Is there a way to detect what action modifier is being pressed from within the script filter, {action}, to allow the script filter to change the arg being passed? I'm trying to keep the workflow as clean as possible and easy to extend in the future.
  3. I looked into it. Using the alfred debugger `alfred -f encode.php -q "ü ö ä"` ``` <?xml version="1.0"?> <items><item uid="URL Encoded" arg="%C3%BC+%C3%B6+%C3%A4" valid="yes" autocomplete=""><title>%C3%BC+%C3%B6+%C3%A4</title><subtitle>URL Encoded</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item><item uid="UTF8 Encoded" arg="ü ö ä" valid="yes" autocomplete=""><title>ü ö ä</title><subtitle>UTF8 Encoded</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item><item uid="HTML Encoded" arg="&uuml; &ouml; &auml;" valid="yes" autocomplete=""><title>&uuml; &ouml; &auml;</title><subtitle>HTML Encoded</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item><item uid="base64 Encoded" arg="w7wgw7Ygw6Q=" valid="yes" autocomplete=""><title>w7wgw7Ygw6Q=</title><subtitle>base64 Encoded</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item></items> ``` Looks like the workflow is sending the properly encoded values, for some reason alfred is running into an error on that row. I'm not sure what the issue is.
  4. Thanks @tobym, I looked into it. Turns out the base64 decoder was spitting out chars outside if it's alphabet, that broke the xml encoding. Update pushed to the github repo (v1.5).
  5. @politicus: like @vitor said, Alfred doesn't support password text type. If you're in a situation where someone is looking over your shoulder all the time then you can alternatively enter a Github Application Token. Hope this helps. @Shawn Rice: I don't think there is an API for that yet. http://developer.github.com/v3/gists/#list-gists
  6. Shit. I was testing out a starring feature on my local workflow inside of test and must of got pushed when I did a bug fix. I'll re-export my workflow when I get home later tonight. Thanks for the catch, will include a remove all for those who already ran the test. Apologies to anyone who this affected. Look for version bump soon with fix. Thanks @tsigo for reporting this.
  7. I didn't see that token option. I'll add that option to the documentation for the next version. I looked into the OAuth option but the flow for a beginner user to set it up isn't very simple, and can be long. I have a few more idea to try to improve the login process to make it more secure. Thanks again for the token link
  8. I've tried a few github workflows. Most don't have user auth built in, or if they did, sent the password in the request (which is not secure!). So I build a new one with a few more features and followed Githubs best practices for auth security. Hope everyone likes it. If you'd like other APIs support just let me know. https://github.com/willfarrell/alfred-github-workflow
  9. Check which CDNs a package is hosted on. https://github.com/willfarrell/alfred-cdn-workflow
  10. A little script to help you write your Alfred Workflows. In the case your script has an error, Alfred defautls to searching your query in a search engine. To catch these errors you can run them in Terminal, and see what the errors are quickly and easily. https://github.com/willfarrell/alfred-debugger
  11. Encoding and decoding a string into multiple variations. https://github.com/willfarrell/alfred-encode-decode-workflow
  12. Hash a string across all php supported algos https://github.com/willfarrell/alfred-hash-workflow
  13. Joined all the youtube workflows into one. https://github.com/willfarrell/alfred-youtube-workflow If I missed any please let me know.
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