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Pennyworth last won the day on May 31 2015

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  1. This issue now resolved itself upon restarting my computer. Every iStat Menus menu bar item is now accessible via Alfred workflow keyword.
  2. Hi there! I need to start tracking disk usage stats now, and I'm having trouble adapting this workflow to also incorporate that. I thought it would be as simple as using the "menu bar name finder" script that was provided on this thread, and simply using a unique word for the Disk widget ("Data" or "used" or "free") in the line "let matchiStatsItem = props => { return props.name.match(/{}/) }", but none of those terms work. I tried experimenting to see what would get it to work. By disabling my other workflow keywords for the other widgets (CPU, RAM, Sensor, etc), this new Disk keyword started working again, but none of the others did! And then when I flipped it back around, the Disk keyword stopped working! So I'm not exactly sure what's causing this, but something is amiss. The "menu bar name finder" script also reveals "missing value" entries, so not sure if that's indicative of a greater problem here? I just don't know. Here's the full output from that script: CPU 10% Memory Pressure 63%. Memory Used 79% M1 SOC Die Average 101° Battery 100%, Charged, MagicTrackpad 83%, AirPods 90% missing value missing value missing value missing value Data 99% used. 8.9 GB free missing value
  3. Wow! This is incredible! It's really the little things in life that matter most. Thank you so much 🙏
  4. I'd like to design a workflow where I use a keyword to trigger opening the Alfred 'Snippets' preferences. Ideally it would even open a specific Snippet 'Collection'. Thoughts? Use-case: I use a Snippet Collection called 'Emoji Pack', but I often search for emojis by different keywords than what is originally labeled in the emoji pack, so I find myself often going in and adding extra keywords to certain emojis that I refer to by non-standard names. By creating a custom workflow for this, I can do this much faster.
  5. Follow-up question @dfay or anyone else: how would I create a 'Trigger All' action that opened every URL that the List Filter contains? Let's assume I have 4 websites I'd like to open at once, and then a 5th option that says 'Open All', how would I create that 'Open All' option, that would trigger all Open URL actions within that List Filter?
  6. Thank you for the suggestion @dfay! I accomplished this using a List Filter and the Conditional utility. Worked like a charm!
  7. I currently have a workflow I made called 'DailyDigest', which consists of a keyword named 'daily' triggering 5 separate 'Open URL' actions (of sites that I'd like to visit once a day). I've attached a screenshot of this basic workflow. It works well, but now I'd like to evolve it to the next level. Ideally, I would type the same keyword ('daily'), but this time it would reveal all 5 URLs in a list within Alfred, and offer a 6th option: 'Open All', which would open all at the same time (as it currently does). Even more ideal, each URL would have its own custom favicon. How would one go about doing this?
  8. Yes, seems that way. Makes me wonder how Alfred's workflow action can get the job done faster than the system.
  9. It takes about the same if I open a URL through the shell/Terminal directly or through the Alfred workflow/keyword.
  10. I tried removing the '--profile-directory' argument from the bash script and it still lags by 2 seconds more than Alfred's Open URL action.
  11. "Noticeably" is probably an overstatement, but there's definitely a 1-2 second lag when opening URLs via /bin/bash instead of Alfred's native URL Opener (basically instantaneous).
  12. I should also add that using a scripting language to accomplish this is noticeably slower than Alfred's "native" 'Open URL' action. I wonder if this could be sped up somehow...
  13. Thank you @deanishe, this solved my issue! The formula is: /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome {URL} --profile-directory={profile_ID} Unfortunately the simpler 'open -a' command won't work when using the 'profile-directory' arg, hence the long application file path.
  14. I use various Google Chrome user profiles ("People", per Chrome's parlance) to keep my personal and work browser environments separate. This means that if I open a Google Docs link tied to work on my personal Chrome user profile, then it will say "You don't have access". I therefore have to always make sure my active Chrome window is of the profile for which I'm logged into an account of. At the same time, I have many simple Keyword --> Open URL workflows. How can I have an 'Open URL' action open not just in a specific browser, but a specific user profile of that browser? Is there a way to accomplish this?
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