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Everything posted by silberistgold

  1. Mmmmh, doesnt work either... I uploaded the Workflow, so you can test it. Maybe it works for you. Keep in mind that you need need gpgTools installed: https://gpgtools.org/ Download Workflow: http://d.pr/f/AJbK Thanks Very Much
  2. Hi Andrew, yep I have. If I put the Output from my regular .sh script directly into the Script Filter Window (the static XML) it works fine. Output looks like this... <?xml version='1.0'?> <items> <item uid='blablabla' arg='blablabla'> <title>blablabla</title> </item> ...(more items here) </items> Thanks, Paul
  3. Hey Guys, I was playing around with the Script Filter XML a bit and now I have the following script, which does not work, but I cant tell why: cat << EOB echo "<?xml version='1.0'?>" echo "<items>" for line in $(gpg --list-keys | grep -E -o "\b[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\b") do echo "<item uid='$line' arg='$line'>" echo "<title>$line</title>" echo "</item>" done echo "</items>" EOB Strange thing is: When I execute the script in my bash an copy the output as xml in the ScriptFilter, everything works fine. I suspect escaping to be the problem, but can not get it to work... Any ideas?
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