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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. It works correctly! Thank you so much
  2. Chinese (Taiwan) I've tested that if I change my format to English (US), the test is correct and almost all functions are working ._.;
  3. Hi, "radd", "rshow", "r all" ,"r refresh", and "r overdue" are not working ... orz In the rerult of "rtest", I got errors as follows: Run cache process: ERROR: /Users/kengao/Dropbox/Apps/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.209C4005-C064-4422-AC9A-6FF088D24D1A/cache-reminders.scpt: execution error: Invalid date and time date 1/1/1970 of «script». (-30720) Fetch cache timestamp: missing value Fetch cached reminder count: ERROR: missing value doesn’t understand the count message. Current unix time: ERROR: Invalid date and time date 1/1/1970 of «script». Is there any methods to fix? Thanks. :| The following is the complete result of rtest. Test results: OS version: 10.8.5 Current date: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:22:21 PM Initialize workflow path: /Users/kengao/Dropbox/Apps/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.209C4005-C064-4422-AC9A-6FF088D24D1A Initialize alfred-library: OK Initialize update-library: OK Initialize wf-library: OK Reminders.app state: Running Fetch reminder count: 5 Fetch reminder info: OK Fetch reminder list count: 3 Fetch reminder list info: OK Run cache process: ERROR: /Users/kengao/Dropbox/Apps/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.209C4005-C064-4422-AC9A-6FF088D24D1A/cache-reminders.scpt: execution error: Invalid date and time date 1/1/1970 of «script». (-30720) Fetch cache timestamp: missing value Fetch cached reminder count: ERROR: missing value doesn’t understand the count message. Test basic query: OK Test today query: OK Test in n minutes query: OK Test in n hours query: OK Test in n days query: OK Test in n days y hours query: OK Test in n hours y minutes query: OK Test at time query: OK Test tomorrow at time query: OK Test in x list query: OK Subtitle generation: OK Test basic reminder filtering: OK Test remind today reminder filtering: OK Test due tomorrow reminder filtering: OK Test reminder list filtering: OK Test version-check response: OK Current unix time: ERROR: Invalid date and time date 1/1/1970 of «script». Simple JSON: OK Test execution time: 1 seconds
  4. Thank you David Ferguson. I know what causes my problem now, after tracing some logs. My misunderstood is the keystroke is actually success, however, every key strokes -- even tell process to keystroke -- are still go back to Alfred. And it causes an infinite loop with many key strokes, which cause my entire OS slowing down Before an application-specified howkey of alfred is supported, I will use the menubar to call the desired function for some specified applications. It's still not a universal and great solution because various applications will not put the items with same hotkey in the same menubar position. But it's still better than solwing down the system Thank you.
  5. Hi there, I've using workflow to supply some specified purpose in some applications via hotkey, for example: Hotkey (cmd+g) -> run osascript: If the frontmost app is not Evernote then error -127 else get the source url of the selected note tell safari to open the url end if Now my question is, because alfred will overwrite the hotkeys, in some other applications which also use the cmd+g, will not trigger the corresponded events. Hence, I need some scripts to replace the "error -127" to re-trigger "cmd+g" again. I've used tell application "System Events" to key code 5 using {command down} or tell application "System Events" to keystroke "g" using command down But they are not working, and my front most application will become very slow :\ It seems System Event will execute for almost half minutes, which is unreasonable in my opinion. Am I miss something? Thank you!
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