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  1. Maybe you have to add the folders that contain the files you expect in the Alfred Prefernces -> Default Results -> Search scope. EDIT: or, just type the filename instead of prefacing it with "open"
  2. Yes, I have found the buffer, but as I said in an earlier answer, for some weird reason, on my system the file action menu entry for "Add File to Buffer" does _not_ have or react to the keycommand. Yes, I've checked the settings in preferences and even then "Compatibility" check box is on (also, it didn't work when it was off...). So yes, if I could select the files, call up the file action and then hit a key-combination to add those files to the buffer that's really all I would like to have. I don't understand why the key command isn't available for me... if you have an idea of what I could check to see why it isn't available, please let me know! If've already checked all the commands and assignments in the Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts preference pane, alt-arrow up is not used anywhere.
  3. Hmm... maybe I have to add more (a lot more...) folders to the folders list... but I don't have _any_ data that I have to work with in ~/ or anywhere on the system drive... it all sits on the 10 permanently mounted external drives - and there is a lot of data... So really the file action is where the file buffer would be most practical to me: I have the project folder open, I select and add 3 files that I need to send to the team, then remember I also needed to send file 4 that is in one of the subfolders, so I would like to add that to the file buffer... and just remembered also file 5 that was on the top level... oh and also these 3 audio files need to go with it - that's how I collect what I need to exchange with the team... yes, yes, yes, completely shared or synced folders or file systems, I get it, that would be nice, but we have people in the team who can and regularly will ruin those shared folders, which then breaks stuff for everyone... so we have to stick with manual syncing for the foreseeable future. The way I'm currently doing it is to just select the files I need to send, then trigger an Alfred workflow that copies those files to a "send" directory, go through the project folder to select the next couple of files and so on and at the end I go to the send directory and create a zip and upload - if I could just collect all those files in the buffer I could trigger the compress and upload when I'm done collecting files...
  4. Hmm... yes, the keycommands work in the mail Alfred window - not when calling the file actions... too bad, cause that's where I would need it more. Navigating in the main window takes way too long.. Or am I missing another feature that makes it easier to get to files in the main Alfred window? The way I'm doing it now is navigating down the tree starting from /Volumes by typing and tab-completing - not very efficient...
  5. It was enabled and there the bindings are listed. However, it does not show up as a shortcut in the file actions menu nor does Alfred react and add the selected file to the buffer unless I use the arrow keys (without alt) to move down the list and manually activate "Add to file buffer" by pressing enter. So something is weird on my system that prevents this function.
  6. Ha! I knew this feature was probably already there... However, strangely, the the keys listed in the first link are not bound to those actions on my system and I can't find where to assign them... But yes, from the description - this probably does what I would like to do...
  7. Hi all, there is this nifty little app called Dropover where you get an overlay "basket" and can add stuff from different directories or folders to the selection and then do something with the whole bunch (mostly moving/copying to a different place, or sending it to messages... stuff like that) I would much prefer if I could rebuild this functionality in Alfred. I could of course create a little script that appends paths to a textfile - but that means I'm pretty much limited to what the terminal and terminal commands can do (yes, that's a lot already and for copying moving this would probably suffice). But perhaps there is a better way to do this with Alfred?
  8. Sorry. Forum dynamic got the better of me.
  9. Thanks! But that kind of defeats the green aspect of calculating locally without creating network traffic resulting in energy use. I know it's a small contribution, but I want to do more of these little tasks locally without network use. YMMV of course.
  10. Hi there, my green conscience was getting seriously hurt every time I used a website to calculate how long an upload would take. So I took the time and wrote a little Python script that I'm running from an Alfred workflow. My keyword trigger is "ct" followed by a number that represents the amount of data in gigabytes. I use round numbers because I only care about roughly knowing how long it takes. Not a precise time, which isn't even possible because transmission speed can vary. If anyone is interested, here is the python code, you can paste it into the "Run script" block in the workflow editor. Adjust the "Transfer_Speed" to whatever your upload speed is in KBbs, mine is roughly 4500 KBps (my ISP claims it's 5000, but you know what that means...). I would call the Alfred Input Window and type ct 10 and hit enter, then I will see the result in large type. #!/usr/bin/python import sys import math # This script calculates upload time # # Upload speed is 4500 KB / sec Transfer_Speed = 4500 # This is the input argument from Alfred Workflow Data_Amount = float(int(sys.argv[1])) # Calculate the time Transfer_Time = round((((Data_Amount * 1000000) / Transfer_Speed) / 60), 2) Transfer_Hours = math.trunc(Transfer_Time / 60) Transfer_Minutes = round((Transfer_Time - (Transfer_Hours * 60)), 2) # Create the output query = str(Transfer_Hours) + " Hours and " + str(Transfer_Minutes) + " Minutes" sys.stdout.write(query) Enjoy and have a good Sunday. Hans
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