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    Marlouis got a reaction from chrislemke in ChatFred: OpenAI's GPT-model workflow   
    Thank you session extraordinaire much @chrislemke for this amazing workflow. I use it all day (and I don't really know if I'm paying anything since I didn't pay for ChatGpt Plus yet). 
    I had two questions : if I subscribe to ChatGpt Plus, will the answer be shown more rapidly using your Workflow ? 
    Also, is there a way  to use Whisper's audio transcription within the Workflow ? 
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    Marlouis reacted to Vero in ChatFred: OpenAI's GPT-model workflow   
    Once you're logged in, you can see your usage here:
    You'll have received some amount of credit on signup, and this page allows you to see how much you've used daily.
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    Marlouis reacted to Stephen_C in Alfred and Spotlight not finding files   
    Just to check something that is probably obvious (sorry!)… In Alfred Preferences > File Search under Quick Search do you have Enable Quick File Search Mode checked?
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    Marlouis got a reaction from Stephen_C in Alfred and Spotlight not finding files   
    Dear Stephen, thank you for your kind response. 
    Enable Quick File Search Mode is checked. By the way, everything came back to normal this morning so this post is now solved.
  5. Thanks
    Marlouis reacted to vitor in Alfred and Spotlight not finding files   
    First, try rebooting your Mac. Then try searching again. Use the open keyword explicitly. If Alfred doesn’t find the file, does Spotlight?
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