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Everything posted by jackk

  1. I slightly modified the above script to work on macOS Ventura 13.3, Unfortunately this won't clear all notification just one at a time. tell application "System Events" try click menu bar item 1 of menu bar 1 of application process "Control Center" end try try set _groups to groups of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of window "Notification Center" of application process "NotificationCenter" repeat with _group in _groups set _actions to actions of _group repeat with _action in _actions if description of _action is in {"Schlie§en", "Alle entfernen", "Close", "Clear All"} then perform _action end if end repeat end repeat end try key code 53 # Escape Key end tell
  2. Hi vitor, this was working without any issue for the past few months, is there any way to make a correction?
  3. I use this workflow to calculate taxes, The notification calculation stopped working, can anyone help, I'm not sure if it's the new update. Currently using 5.0.3 [2087].
  4. Hi I would like to copy the folder path with shift action modifier. here's the apple script that i'm working with. any help would be appreciated. try tell application "Finder" to set the clipboard to POSIX path of (target of window 1 as alias) on error beep end try
  5. This workflow no longer works. Showing the following error. Can anyone update it? I do have python@3.9 installed. [19:22:18.254] Favorites[File Filter] Processing complete [19:22:18.255] Favorites[File Filter] Passing output '/Users/Jack/Downloads' to Run Script [19:22:18.358] ERROR: Favorites[Run Script] File "<string>", line 1 python add.py '/Users/Al/Downloads' ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax [19:22:18.359] Favorites[Run Script] Processing complete [19:22:18.361] Favorites[Run Script] Passing output '' to Post Notification
  6. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, can someone look at this? Just trying to open new links in new tab instead of new window. if safari isn't open already. on alfred_script(q) tell application "Safari" if "http:" is in q or "www." is in q or ".com" is in q or ".de" is in q or ".edu" is in q or ".net" is in q or ".org" is in q then if q starts with "http://" or q starts with "https://" then make new document with properties {URL:q} else make new_tab with properties {URL:"http://"&q} end if else make new_tab with properties {URL:"http://www.google.com/search?q="&q} end if activate end tell end alfred_script on new_tab(www) tell application "Safari" to tell the front window to ¬ set the current tab to make new tab ¬ with properties {URL:q} end new_tab
  7. Does time based automation supported by Alfred?
  8. I deleted and installed it couple of times, but it's still have this error. [14:06:23.657] Logging Started... [14:06:26.126] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Queuing argument '' [14:06:26.401] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [14:06:26.403] Get App Icon[Script Filter] <?xml version="1.0"?><items> <item> <arg>online^</arg> <title>Search app icons online</title> <subtitle>Switch to online search in App Store and Mac App Store</subtitle> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/NameChanger.app</arg> <title>NameChanger</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/NameChanger.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</arg> <title>Keyboard Maestro</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/DevUtilsAppStore.app</arg> <title>DevUtilsAppStore</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/DevUtilsAppStore.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Notion Web Clipper.app</arg> <title>Notion Web Clipper</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Notion Web Clipper.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Twitter.app</arg> <title>Twitter</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Twitter.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/SF Symbols.app</arg> <title>SF Symbols</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/SF Symbols.app</icon> </item> </items> [14:06:26.797] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'k' [14:06:26.917] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [14:06:26.923] Get App Icon[Script Filter] <?xml version="1.0"?><items> <item> <arg>online^k</arg> <title>Search app icons online</title> <subtitle>Switch to online search in App Store and Mac App Store</subtitle> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Bakery.app</arg> <title>Bakery</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Bakery.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Karabiner-Elements.app</arg> <title>Karabiner-Elements</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Karabiner-Elements.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Karabiner-EventViewer.app</arg> <title>Karabiner-EventViewer</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Karabiner-EventViewer.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/TinkerTool.app</arg> <title>TinkerTool</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/TinkerTool.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/.Karabiner-VirtualHIDDevice-Manager.app</arg> <title>.Karabiner-VirtualHIDDevice-Manager</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/.Karabiner-VirtualHIDDevice-Manager.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Stream Deck.app</arg> <title>Stream Deck</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Stream Deck.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Key Codes.app</arg> <title>Key Codes</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Key Codes.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</arg> <title>Keyboard Maestro</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</icon> </item> </items> [14:06:26.940] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'ke' [14:06:27.036] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'key' [14:06:27.044] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [14:06:27.045] Get App Icon[Script Filter] <?xml version="1.0"?><items> <item> <arg>online^ke</arg> <title>Search app icons online</title> <subtitle>Switch to online search in App Store and Mac App Store</subtitle> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Bakery.app</arg> <title>Bakery</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Bakery.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/TinkerTool.app</arg> <title>TinkerTool</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/TinkerTool.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Key Codes.app</arg> <title>Key Codes</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Key Codes.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</arg> <title>Keyboard Maestro</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</icon> </item> </items> [14:06:27.135] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [14:06:27.142] Get App Icon[Script Filter] <?xml version="1.0"?><items> <item> <arg>online^key</arg> <title>Search app icons online</title> <subtitle>Switch to online search in App Store and Mac App Store</subtitle> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Key Codes.app</arg> <title>Key Codes</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Key Codes.app</icon> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</arg> <title>Keyboard Maestro</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</icon> </item> </items> [14:06:27.204] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'keyb' [14:06:27.297] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [14:06:27.298] Get App Icon[Script Filter] <?xml version="1.0"?><items> <item> <arg>online^keyb</arg> <title>Search app icons online</title> <subtitle>Switch to online search in App Store and Mac App Store</subtitle> </item> <item> <arg>/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</arg> <title>Keyboard Maestro</title> <icon type="fileicon">/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app</icon> </item> </items> [14:06:28.825] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Processing complete [14:06:28.832] Get App Icon[Script Filter] Passing output '/Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app' to Run Script [14:06:29.027] Get App Icon[External] Processing complete [14:06:29.027] Get App Icon[External] Passing output '/Users/Al/Desktop/.png' to Post Notification [14:06:29.034] STDERR: Get App Icon[Run Script] acshell.sh: line 41: python: command not found acshell.sh: line 43: python: command not found Warning: /Applications/Keyboard Maestro.app/Contents/Resources/.icns not a valid file - skipping
  9. Thank you but that didn't work. Could you take a look at my workflow. Thanks
  10. Hi Just trying to figure out how to insert a variable in PHP (from the user configuration). I'm pretty new to PHP. Any help would be appreciated <?php $gross = $argv[1]; $pct = {var:pct} $total = $gross * $pct + $gross; $sum = round($total, 2); $sum2 = number_format($total, 2); $tax = number_format($gross * $pct, 2); $item = array('title' => "Total = $$sum2, Tax = $$tax", 'subtitle' => "↵ to copy to clipboard", 'arg' => "$sum"); $json = json_encode(array('items' => array($item))); echo $json; // send JSON to Alfred ?>
  11. how do i pass a search to the new safari window? I'm getting a "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid." Thanks
  12. I was using another case workflow before, just wondering if this workflow is able to show what's in the clipboard before pasting Example (Photo1)
  13. Hi, I was looking for a workflow that can clear existing notifications from Notification Center panel. I found few but none of them seems to work with Alfred 4 / MacOS 12.3.1. If anyone can help that would be awesome. Links that i found https://github.com/skotzko/shhhhh https://github.com/skotzko/shhhhh/issues/7#issuecomment-874773375 https://www.ryanmo.co/2016/04/18/clearing-multiple-notifications-in-mac-os-x/ Thanks
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