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Everything posted by Marfa

  1. Thanks for your reply. OK, it seems such an approach can only run in an environment of closed loop (such as an IDE, Editor)
  2. Background There is a good extension for IntelliJ IDEs: CamelCase - IntelliJ IDEs Plugin | Marketplace, it can help you easily switch your text between kebab-case, SNAKE_CASE, PascalCase, camelCase, snake_case or space case. Requirement I'd like to have such an extension for my whole system. But there is a common problem I found from the existing similar extensions: they only suppport replacing the selected text with new text. But if the type of new text doesn't meed my requirement. I have to reselect the text and trigger the shortcut again. Question Does Alfred allow extensions to select the new text which are just replaced? Therefore users can keep type the shortcut until they got the text what they want. Example: Hello world <=> hello world <=> HELLO WORLD <=> helloWorld <=> HelloWorld <=> hello_world <=> HELLO_WORLD <=>...
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