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  1. Thank you, that worked! I've never had to use that setting before and I've been using a custom workflow that always behaved correctly for 2+ years 🙈
  2. @Vero Hi! Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v3bmsd5sikaakx7/BugRepro.alfredworkflow?dl=0
  3. What you were doing when the issue happened I have an Alfred workflow that stopped working after updating (it doesn't involve any third party software) Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action (Update any third-party apps and restart your Mac if relevant) Yes Include any screenshots that might help us I am able to repro the issue using 3 nodes in a workflow: Include the Alfred version & build number you are using Repro'd on: Alfred 4.6.5 Build 1299, Monday 25th April 2022 Alfred 4.6.6 Pre-release Build 1300 Include your macOS version 12.3.1 (21E258) Include the version number of any third-party apps relevant to your issue
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