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Posts posted by xilopaint

  1. 10 hours ago, Blake said:

    The workflow recently broke the same way on my Mac: Whenever I try to do a search, I get "Search IMDB for {my query}" together with always the same results, regardless of what search terms I use.


    If anyone has an idea of how to fix the workflow, I would be very grateful. I've tried the "Movie and TV Show Search" workflow linked above, but for my purposes, the "IMBD Search Suggest" workflow works much better (e.g., it is much faster, and it allows you to search for actor names, too).



    I don't know anything about PHP but I would bet the issue is related to the following line:


    preg_match("/^imdb\$.*?\((.*?)\)$/ms", $jsonp, $matches);

  2. 17 hours ago, sr_navarre said:



    This is probably my most used workflow, so thanks! Recently I've been having some trouble with it, though. Instead of presenting me with a list of search suggestions, I just get the top line "Search IMDB for {my query}" and the second line displays the last name I searched for when the workflow was still working normally. I'm attaching a picture to demonstrate what happens when I search for "the godfather."




    I'm using the latest stable version of the Mac OS , and nothing has changed as far as I know. Do you have any ideas?




    Have you ever tried this workflow?

  3. On 3/30/2019 at 11:38 AM, deanishe said:

    That's not just a philosophical position. Look in the threads belonging to Node-based workflows and they're full of users asking for help with getting the damn things running. I don't really want to be the guy who turns Python workflow development into a similar tragicomedy.


    I refuse to install any Node-based workflow for the sole reason they are not installed in the default workflow's installation folder.

  4. On 4/1/2019 at 10:13 PM, Belfong said:

    Hi there... this may be a newbie question - is there an easier way to keep all workflows updated when the author made new changes? I have Things, Spotify mini player, Cardhop, Keyboard Maestro workflows in Alfred and I have no checked whether these have been updated recently. The only way I can think of checking if they were updated is to come to the forum, look for the thread and then manually eye ball the version number. Does any of you have a better system?


    What's your Things workflow?

  5. 16 minutes ago, cjs226 said:

    Thank you for this!


    Is it possible to use the workflow to send you to Things, specifically showing you the Today view of a specific tag?  For example, I use tags to break up my life by 'Work', 'Family and Friends' and 'Personal'.  So, it'd be great if I could call the workflow to put me in a specific view within Things.


    I will look into implementing such feature. Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. 4 hours ago, CarlosNZ said:

    Hey guys, yeah sorry, this workflow hasn't actually been updated for Alfred 3.x I'm afraid, so apologies for any mis-functioning. I should probably make this clear in the release notes -- thanks for letting me know.


    Personally, these days I just use a combination of Unclutter and Mohave's built-in Desktop stacks to achieve this functionality.


    The bug has nothing to do with Alfred's version. I reported it before Alfred 3 release four years ago.


    Anyway I already created a simple workflow after my last post that I should release in a day or two.

  7. On 12/21/2017 at 8:04 AM, Gee said:

    EDIT below: screencast of the bug


    Hello everyone, 


    I discovered this great workflow a couple of days ago.

    Moving files and performing actions work great

    I do have an issue though.


    Out of curiosity, I tried to unmove a file back to the desktop.

    it correctly disappeared from the drawer folder but was nowhere to be seen afterward.

    - it was not on my desktop

    - it was not in the trash

    - it was not indexed by Alfred or Spotlight

    It just disappeared completely!


    I tried unlinking the desktop from the iCloud sync, thinking this might have caused a problem. And I tried again.

    I got the same result.


    I should add that I did not modify the path of the drawer folder, just invoking it with a custom command ('dsk' instead of 'drawer') that's about it.

    Is this unmoving a file working on your side?


    Edit : The unmoved file goes to Alfred's preferences, in a directory where the actual workflow is located

    See a short screencast below : 





    It's a major bug that was firstly reported by me on this post: 


    I would like to use this workflow but this scary bug keeps me from relying on it. It would be nice if @CarlosNZ could take a look into it.

  8. 6 hours ago, targumanu said:

    To remove the old data in Alfred 2’s cache and data folders, launch Terminal and execute the following commands:

    rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow\ Data/com.targumanu.ibookssearch
    rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Workflow\ Data/com.targumanu.ibookssearch



    From what I remember you were using ~/Library/Caches/iBooksSearch on v1.0.

  9. Let's say I set a 1h lifetime to the cache. During this time all queries and results are cached. Each time a query is repeated the results are retrieved from cache. After the expiration, the cache is cleared and the process should be repeated.


    It turns out I'm pretty sure this is not the best way, so this thread.

  10. 1 hour ago, deanishe said:


    Yes. "Not working" isn't a very helpful description, and this isn't the right thread for it.


    Please re-install the workflow, and if something isn't working, post in the workflow's thread.


    Not necessary anymore. I just realised that I had to use +  because was selected as an action hotkey on Alfred Preferences. Now everything is ok.

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