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Posts posted by xilopaint

  1. 2 minutes ago, zeitlings said:




    I know there’s an annual cost for the enrollment. My question was about the codesign output for your binary:


    Authority=Apple Development: pat****@*****.com (W2VCU4XR6K)
    Authority=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority
    Authority=Apple Root CA


    I thought this kind of output implied that you were already enrolled, which means you have already paid for the annual membership and are able to notarize binaries without any additional costs. If it's not true, what kind of certificate is this?

  2. 6 hours ago, zeitlings said:

    I would prefer to have them notarized, but alas, Apple charges for that


    Authority=Apple Development: pat****@*****.com (W2VCU4XR6K)
    Authority=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority
    Authority=Apple Root CA


    Doesn’t the codesign output above indicate that you’re already enrolled in the Apple Developer Program, which grants you the privilege of notarizing the app without additional costs?

  3. 2 minutes ago, zeitlings said:

    The piece of code you're referring to isn't very useful on its own, and I haven't uploaded any of my more complex Xcode projects yet. There are various reasons why I haven't shared them at the moment, but I appreciate your interest.


    It's up to you to decide what to do with your code, as long as you're transparent. The problem here is that you use a MIT license. When it comes to Alfred's workflows, transparency is important for security reasons, of course.

  4. 18 minutes ago, zeitlings said:

    I've checked out what it is you're doing with your optimize action. It looks like you're just tweaking the DPI/ PPI, right? (k2pdfopt <>  -ui- -as -mode copy -dpi <>) Since I’ve also been checking out K2pdfopt, I came across the -bpc option btw., which reduces the number of bits per color plane. Maybe you already know about it, but this looks like it could be interesting for your implementation 😄


    While it can often be used this way, the optimize action is not really intended to compress PDF files, but rather to improve the readability of low-quality scanned PDFs.

  5. 13 minutes ago, zeitlings said:
    On 4/27/2023 at 5:37 PM, xilopaint said:

    I'm absolutely in love with this workflow. I like everything, even the icon color tone is appealing to me. Haven't you committed the code for the compression feature @zeitlings?


    Thanks! 😁 The project is becoming more and more interesting for me as well. What I mean when I say that the compression utility is decoupled is just that I've rewritten the code internally so that it can be called independently of the OCR routine - as opposed to being an ad hoc change to the output content stream that writes the PDF to disk. It's still baked into the program. 


    I actually asked why you didn't add that piece of code to the repository.

  6. 14 hours ago, zeitlings said:

    @TomBenz I just updated the workflow to include compression. 


    If you remember the 1.2 MB sample you sent me, it blew up to 7.9 MB uncompressed. With compression, we level off at 589 KB on my machine without butchering the file 😁. However, compressing a PDF does not always result in a smaller file size, so I've decided to keep the uncompressed PDF document around if compression does not actually produce the desired result. Let me know what happens to the 1.15 GB document!


    I've decoupled the compression utility, which means you can now compress any PDF without having to run OCR on it. For some documents this works really well, for others it may inflate the file size even more. Which factors play a role here remains a task for future experiments to find out... There are also some internal improvements, additions to the workflow and tweaks:


    v1.3.0 (OCR+)

    • Added PDF compression
    • Added a keyword for quick access to the workflow configuration (Alfred 5.1+)
    • Added Universal Action modifier option to apply compression to PDFs (⇧⌘)
    • Added Universal Action modifier option to open converted PDFs in the default application (⌥⇧)
    • Added a configuration option to open converted PDFs in the default application
    • Added a configuration option to specify how text should be joined when taking a snapshot
    • Added a File Action to compress PDF documents
    • Changed the modifier keys to replace a PDF and added noticeable visual queues (⌥⌘)
    • Changed the way an export strategy is specified by using a pop-up selection box
    • Improved performance


    I'm absolutely in love with this workflow. I like everything, even the icon color tone is appealing to me. Haven't you committed the code for the compression feature @zeitlings?


    What kind of compression are you doing, btw? Is it similar to the work of my workflow’s optimize action you mentioned earlier?


  7. 2 hours ago, David Moe said:

    @xilopaint no specific reason, I just didn't consider Intel Macs. I'll update the workflow on my GitHub, not sure what the process is for updating on Alfred Gallery. Thanks for the feedback! 


    Actually, /usr/local/bin is more commonly used on Intel Macs than on ARM. If you install VS Code by Homebrew in an ARM Mac, for example, the binary will be placed in /opt/homebrew/bin.

  8. @David MoeThanks for this simple and useful workflow. Any reason for using /usr/local/bin/code as the default path of the CLI instead of just using code, which would make it work for Homebrew installations in both ARM and Intel Macs?

  9. 54 minutes ago, pseudometa said:


    I personally use JetBrains Mono, but the icons are available in all nerdfonts. The name is a bit misleading, "nerdfonts" just means "font that has the nerd-icons added to it".


    I have the Hack Nerd Font installed, but I'm not very familiar with the icons. Is there any practical way to search the icons without using the website?

  10. YouTube Search

    alfred-youtube.svg 68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f6769746875622f646f776e6c6f6164732f78696c6f7061696e742f616c667265642d796f75747562652f746f74616c2e737667 alfred-youtube



    An Alfred workflow to search YouTube.


    The workflow requires an API key, which can be requested and set up by following the steps 1–3 that you can find here.



    Search videos via the yt keyword, channels via the ytc keyword, and zplaylists via the ytp keyword.


    When displaying channels, select one of them and use the modifier key to show its description.


    To report a bug or request a feature, please create an issue or submit a pull request.


  11. On 4/7/2023 at 7:36 AM, zeitlings said:

    • Fixed an error thrown due to missing workflow cache directory
    • Fixed snapshot tasks queuing up if they are started before the previous task has finished
    • Added explicit opt-out of Snapshot tasks while PDF conversions are running


    Thanks for the fix. I'm very impressed with the code simplicity given the quality of the text recognition. We can see Apple has done a great job with the Vision framework.

  12. On 4/6/2023 at 8:13 PM, zeitlings said:

    @xilopaint yes! 😁


    The new version doesn't work for me. It fails when checking for a path that does not exist:

    [02:20:57.247] Optical Character Recognition[Universal Action] Processing complete
    [02:20:57.254] Optical Character Recognition[Universal Action] Passing output '/Users/xxxx/Desktop/test.pdf' to Arg and Vars
    [02:20:57.257] Optical Character Recognition[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
    [02:20:57.258] Optical Character Recognition[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Run Script
    [02:20:57.369] STDERR: Optical Character Recognition[Run Script] 2023-04-07 02:20:57.365 ocr[2995:28153] The folder “progress.txt” doesn’t exist.
    [02:20:57.376] Optical Character Recognition[Run Script] Processing complete
    [02:20:57.378] Optical Character Recognition[Run Script] Passing output '- Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The folder “progress.txt” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/xxxx/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.zeitlings.ocr/progress.txt, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000e7a760 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}} #0
      - super: NSObject
    ' to Conditional
    [02:20:57.379] Optical Character Recognition[Conditional] Processing complete
    [02:20:57.380] Optical Character Recognition[Conditional] Passing output '- Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The folder “progress.txt” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/xxxx/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.zeitlings.ocr/progress.txt, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000e7a760 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}} #0
      - super: NSObject
    ' to Post Notification


    I’ve also tried to create progress.txt myself. The workflow ran with no errors but the OCR’d PDF file has not been created.

  13. Hey @vitor, I managed to translate everything to JXA except this small AppleScript handle:


    on deleteToDo(argv)
        tell application id "com.culturedcode.ThingsMac"
            set toDo to to do id (item 2 of argv as text)
            move toDo to list id "TMTrashListSource"
        end tell
    end deleteToDo


    This was my try:


    function deleteToDo(argv) {
      const app = Application("com.culturedcode.ThingsMac");
      const toDo = app.toDos.byId(argv[1]);
      const trashList = app.lists.byId("TMTrashListSource");
      toDo.move({to: trashList});


    But I’m getting this error in the toDo.move({to: trashList}); line:


    ERROR: Things[Run Script] ./things.js: execution error: Error: Error: Can't convert types. (-1700)


    This is the JavaScript dictionary of the move method of the ToDo object:


    move method : Move a to do to a different list.
        move specifier : the to do(s) to move
            to: List : List to use as target


    And this is the dictionary of the ToDo object:


    ToDo Object : Represents a Things to do.
        contains tags; contained by application, areas, lists, contacts, projects, tags.
        id (text, r/o) : The unique identifier of the to do.
        name (text) : Name of the to do
        creationDate (date) : Creation date of the to do
        modificationDate (date) : Modification date of the to do
        dueDate (date) : Due date of the to do
        activationDate (date, r/o) : Activation date of the scheduled to do
        completionDate (date) : Completion date of the to do
        cancellationDate (date) : Cancellation date of the to do
        status ("open"/‌"completed"/‌"canceled") : Status of the to do
        tagNames (text) : Tag names separated by comma
        notes (text) : Notes of the to do
        project (Project) : Project the to do belongs to
        area (Area) : Area the to do belongs to
        contact (Contact) : Contact the to do is assigned to
        move, schedule, show, edit.


    Any ideas?

  14. 7 hours ago, zeissdistagon said:



    Is there a downloadable PDF instruction manual for Alfred?  Maybe it's just me (chorus: "It's you!"), but I end up with a bunch of open window tabs open as each page seems to reference something else I need or wan to know




    The Help page is not enough for you?


    You still can use the ? keyword to quickly find what you want to learn about.


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