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  1. Ahh, I see. No worries, there are plenty other options in Alfred how I can do the job. I was hoping for some block that takes the output. ๐Ÿ˜„ Thanks! Looks cool, I will try it!
  2. Hey @zeitlings, I've configured the plugin, set up the ChatGPT API Key, and I've configured a hotkey for "Inference Actions," but when I select any option, Alfred just closes and nothing happens. I tried with the selection option and clipboard option; I also tried to change the models, but still nothing. ๐Ÿค” I'm pretty sure the API Key is correct as I used it in other projects. PS Cool theme, do you mind sharing it also? ๐Ÿ˜„
  3. C'mon don't be like that, publish the theme
  4. Hey @vitor Thanks for the workflow. I've created a custom prompt, but I'm wondering if there is any option to get the response and paste it to the clipboard? I know I can copy the last Chat output using a keyboard shortcut, but having an option to automatically save the response to clipboard would be even better. ๐Ÿ˜„
  5. It works! It's probably not the most efficient way to make it, but I finally made it work. Thank you!
  6. Hey, I wanted to create simple workflow for building a command with parameters for terminal, eg.: logs my-log-group --since 24h | grep 'XYZ' where 'logs' is a keyword, 'my-log-group' is selectable from a list, and further options are optional. So far, I've made the first step where I used script filter to load and show 'my-log-group' options. How to configure the workflow to add other options? I've made all tutorials and I read a few document pages but I still cannot get this to work. What other workflow elements I need to use to add optional options and eventually run the command?
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