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  1. The culprit was Webroot SecureAnywhere, an anti-malware app. I quit it and the problem went away. On restart, it did not reappear. I had already determined that its "Secure Key Entry" feature interferes with Alfred and paused it. This was something else.
  2. Thank you for the tip. I followed the trouble shooting directions only to come up with another problem. The message originally said Mail.app (mac) had secure entry locked. I quit and restarted it as stated whereupon a new culprit was IDed. Process 45215 has secure entry locked. Using Activity Monitor, I went looking for the process only find it appears not to exist. The process numbers show no 45215. They run from 45213, 214, 216, 2217. NO 45215. What does one do now?
  3. I write in Medium and edit one of its publications. I frequently use the same phrases, especially when adding private notes during editing. I could make good use of Alfred 5's snippet and text expansion capabilities, but Alfred 5 does not work inside Medium. Both Grammarly and ProWritingAid have Chrome extensions that allow them to work inside Medium both in a standard Medium doc and in comments and private notes. I would like to see a similar capability for Alfred 5.
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