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aaa last won the day on August 20 2022

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  1. When I use Alfred to launch one of my Safari bookmarks, I would like the bookmark to open in a new window. Currently when I launch a bookmark from Alfred, the website doesn't open in a new window. It un-minimizes one of my minimized windows and opens there. (This actually isn't specific to Alfred -- whenever another application ie. Mail or Messages opens a web address, it expands a minimize window and opens there, and I don't know how to change this behavior.) Actually it would be amazing if I could tell Alfred to switch the most recently active Safari window to a particular tab group and then open the selected bookmark in that group. But any level of customization beyond the current situation would be a major improvement if it avoids un-minimizing my minimized windows. Is this currently possible in any way? If not, please consider it a feature request!
  2. I'm new here. I know Alfred can be used to create new files. My question is, what is the best way to do so in Alfred 5? I tried googling this question and searching this forum, but it seems like this question has been asked and answered countless times over the past decade. I am looking for an up-to-date answer. Is this feature built directly into Alfred? If not, is there a popular workflow that adds it? Or is it something that I should create myself? Here's the real-world scenario I'm in now: I want to create an empty CSS file to add styling to my Obsidian vault. I'm using Finder to browse through directories, until I arrive at <code>~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/MyVault/.obsidian/snippets</code>. I want to create an empty file here in my frontmost Finder window. How to I tell Alfred to do that?
  3. Not sure what changed, but this isn't working for me anymore. It's like scp doesn't "see" my .bib file. I wonder if its related to the recent pandoc update? I noticed the variable csl_folder was set to ~/.pandoc/csl, which no longer exists on my machine after updating. I've tried setting the bibtex_library_path environmental variable to use different bib files but none of then work.
  4. Hmm. I installed the version you linked, but it seems to be ineffective. No error message. But no new workflows are appearing when I enter the terms `cask` or `homebrew` in Alfred's search bar. It's like it's invisible to Alfred.
  5. This is great! I have one minor suggestions: I would love the ability have the option to switch the preview between dark/light mode. Or better yet - could you set the preview colors based on the current Alfred theme?
  6. Could you please explain (or point me to documentation on) how to open a reference in BibDesk using this workflow? I tried setting the `open_entries_in` environment variable to `/Applications/BibDesk.app` (the path to BibDesk), but no luck. Forgive me if this should be obvious. I bought the power-pack just for citations and this is the first workflow I've installed. Going to try ZotHero next. EDIT: not sure what changed, but it's working now!
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