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Everything posted by bigplume

  1. I want my chrome to run with some special parameters, and since it's not supported in the GUI setup, I have to run it as a command line "/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome" --args xxxx The problem is that this command keeps blocking the terminal, so I run it with the following command "/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome" --args xxxx > /dev/null 2>&1 & This allowed me to continue with other input in the terminal. Now I'd like to use this command in Alfred Run Script block so that it's easy to execute, but I don't know what the harm is, since the process stays in place until chrome exits, will it block Alfred's other workflow or something I don't know about?
  2. @AndrewNice and thanks for the information. {var:externalid} is the way I am looking for. Apple script works, but the advantage of the call external trigger, as the document mentioned, is "By not using AppleScript". URL scheme is actually a little bit problematic, it makes my front most application lose focus, so after running the command (via hotkey e.g.) I need to click on the front most application again with the mouse, which can be annoying when I'm writing code.
  3. Alfred has a great "call external trigger" function, my question is, can its trigger ID be programmed, I have a script that wants to call different external triggers depending on the situation, and if it can't be programmed, I need to connect a "call external trigger" for each situation, that's a bit scary..
  4. Sure, yes, so I set hotkey in application watcher in Hammerspoon, it is only enabled when my specific application is activated, and disabled when the app deactivated, similar to "Related Apps" function in Alfred, looks like good till now..
  5. Thanks, I found a way to bypass, cmd + x is possible to be set as hotkey in Hammerspoon, then I call Alfred workflow via External Trigger.
  6. In a workflow hotkey setting window, I cannot input cmd + x as hotkey, I just hear an alert sound and nothing more. Is this combination forbidden by Alfred?
  7. Thank you very much!! Just tried, I think this is what I want!! never know this command....
  8. @vitor thanks for response, I want Alfred to search some file for me without any user interaction window in a workflow, the input is a list of file name (of course can process them one by one in a loop), the output is full path of the file in my computer. Actually it is identical to what "find" command does (filename -> full path), but Alfred is super fast if I search a file in the search bar. File Filter does the task actually, I can input a file name to it from workflow, but it has a popup window even the file name is unique in the computer. As I mentioned, I want to process a list of file name, it's terrible to get popup window for each file. So what I want is a no popup window solution, just outputs the file path as string to the following processing steps. Thanks.
  9. I don't know whether I used the correct name, when I search files in the Alfred search bar, there must be some search engine working in the background, this is "Alfred internal search engine" I mean in the title. I am writing a workflow which process a list to file name, I need to get the full path of these files and open them or whatever further processing. They are located in various place in my computer and I don't want to or can't list all possible paths to find them. I tried to use "fd", "find" command line tools, but because I didn't give precise path, so it takes some times to get results. When I search this file names in Alfred search bar, I always get result instantly and of course the full path is known. So can I ask Alfred to search something for me in a workflow? thanks.
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