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Everything posted by emiel

  1. Thanks! I'll try it out. It would be great if searchng for a tag could be a standard 'action' in Alfred, like opening a file or folder.
  2. I'm a fanatic hotkey user. I use Alfred to open apps, files and folders with hotkeys. But I can't get a hotkey connected to an OS X tag. What I want? Open a Finder window with a specific tag selected in the Sidebar… triggered by a hotkey. Can this be done by Alfred 2.5?
  3. Thanks! That's a start. I wonder if 'selecting a tag in the sidebar' is scriptable, the regular way to browse tags in OS X Mavericks.
  4. I'd love to create a workflow to open a Finder window with a specific (OS X Mavericks) tag selected. But how? Any tips?
  5. How to assign a hotkey to 'ejectall'? Can’t find it in the System Command list.
  6. Got it. Thanks for the hint. Didn't work at first… since my .workflow files contained filenames with spaces. But now it works. Easy! (…) Not as easy as v1 though. Figured that one out without signing up for a forum and posting a question about it.
  7. I've finally upgraded to Alfred 2 yesterday and regenerated my +80 Alfred v1 hotkeys into Alfred 2 workflows. Yes, I'm a hotkey power user, I even created one for the new 'Alfred Preferences' app! The hotkeys in v2 seem to trigger the actions slightly slower than v1… but that's another topic. I have also created a few Alfred v1 'extensions' connected to Automator '.workflow' files. With Alfred v1 I assigned hotkeys/keywords to them. Somehow I can't reproduce this in Alfred v2. Please guide me through the steps I need to take in Alfred 2. I'm not a scripts programmer… I've managed to place a (Automator) .workflow file into the (Alfred 2) 'workflow' folder but I don't get what you mean with "then setup a script object (bash) and use the automator command". Do I need to add a 'Run Script' action to the workflow, set the 'language' to '/bin/bash'? Then what? What to I put into the 'Script' field to get this working? Sounds complicated…
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