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  1. Well I am looking to solve two problems: 1. I want to open a new instance of an app, which I tried using the approach above with open -n "${1}" This works with some apps but apparently every app implements this different, so in my case 50% of apps do not open a new instance when using this command. So I guess this is just not possible. 2. I want to move an already open app to the monitor and space where the cursor is. When I launch an App which is not open yet, it automatically appears in the right space and monitor. The problem is when I want to launch an app which is already open in another space. When this happens then the space is changed where the app is, but I want to move the app to my current space. One first step solution could be, to first get all open apps, and then select one which is then moved to the current space and screen. But the solution for this should be using the normal app launch behaviour, since I don't want to have to remember which apps are open or not. Also, apparently there is no easy way to move a window to a different space without the mouse....
  2. yes I am using Alfred 5. However it looks like that there is no input for this automation task, so how do I use it? And how can I connect this to the normal app launch?
  3. I know have a workflow which uses a file filter on the /Application folder and rund `open -n "${1}"`. So is there a way to call this from a modifier key when I normally would start an app? However I have no clue how to move an existing application to the current space, if that is even possible...
  4. I found this workflow to start a new instance of an app, however I have no idea how to use is, or how to use is from a modifier key when I search for an app...
  5. Hello, I am working in a multi monitor and multi space setup. I often use Alfred with the normal "App launch" behaviour to quickly jump to an already open app in which space this app might be. This works great. However sometimes I am in a space where I want to open a new window of the app in that space. There is a small workflow for chrome which does that, but I actually need this for any app. Furthermore, sometimes I am in a space and I want to use an app which is another space, but I don't want to create a new instance, I just want to move this app in this space. Ideal I would like to achieve this with the normal app launch behaviour, so when I type in 'chrome' I then can press a modifier key to choose between 'move here', 'create new window'. Is there anyway to achieve this with a workflow or with any other extension/scripting? thanks for the input.
  6. Yes both Macs have the Dropbox folder synced locally and the smart sync is not used ( I think its not even available for me since I am using the free plan)
  7. Alfred version (on both macs): 5.0.3 [2087] Macos: 12.5.1 I have 2 macs where one(A) was synced via Dropbox. For some reason I found out that my other mac (B) was not using any sync so I pointed it to the dropbox location and synced. Everything seems to be fine, the workflows from A were all synced to B. However whenever I create a new Workflow on B, the workflow appears as an empty, unnamed workflow on A. When I create a Workflow on A it is correctly synced to B.
  8. thanks, the script together with the file filter is already pretty close for what I was looking for. However I have trouble zooming in and moving around in the image when not using the trackpad... but that is a problem of Quick Look and I am not sure if there are similar alternative out there
  9. I am using a few shortcut / keymaps cheat sheets for some applications I am using and I find my self opening them very frequently and closing them right after. So I was wondering if it is possible to have a workflow which shows a specific image as quickly as possible without opening another app like preview, so that it can be closed right after as quickly as possible. Ideally the image should be displayed as big as possible depending on the current monitor where I activated Alfred. So again, the idea is to just have a quick peak at a very detailed image (thus it should not be too small) without opening any apps. Does this make sense?
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