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Li Zong

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Everything posted by Li Zong

  1. Github | Download Quick operation of Tencent meetings. Usage ### Quick join Just enter 'jm' and the conference code, for example: `jm 111-111-111` `jm 111111111` ### Quick create meeting #### Create quick meeting You can also reset the default meeting name. Just type `cm`. #### Create meeting Here are some optional parameters for creating a more cumbersome meeting. - Specify the name of the meeting `-n meeting_name` - Specify the password of the meeting `-p password` - Set meeting Time `-m 30` - Set When to start the meeting, it is in the format of %Y-%m-%d/%H:%M. `-t 2023-11-09/12:30` - Set When to start the meeting, a few hours later. `-t 1h` - Set When to start the meeting, a few minutes later. `-t 30m`
  2. Thank you very much. I did not actually check this document. The previous workflow was in zsh, So It can work. thx!
  3. My `Run Script` is js code. I directly wrote in all the ways to obtain variables that I could think of. None of them took effect, but the `debug` block can see the variables I set through `{variables}`. Is there any special processing required to obtain it in `Run Script`?
  4. The Alfred workflow used to call Notion AI, the final result will be typed into the input box. usage Source |Download
  5. thank you for your reply. The original intention of the design is to be unwilling to enter the password when modifying the hosts file, so the process is to save the password directly. Secondly, because I am using it personally, I have not considered security. I will pay more attention to this issue in the future.
  6. I created this workflow. No dependency. How to Use Quick View hosts Add (if the corresponding domain name already exists, it will be updated) hosts add google.com Delete hosts del google.com Download... | Github
  7. How to Use Quick View hosts Add (if the corresponding domain name already exists, it will be updated) hosts add google.com Delete hosts del google.com Note: Set the system password to the value of password. (requires administrator privileges to modify the hosts file) Download... | Github
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