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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. Haha! My bad. You can see I don't use external drives very often… It's probably due to whatever mechanism Google is using to make it look like a drive. I just checked with a fake disk mounted via Transmit (I think it uses FUSE under the hood), and that works… What OS are you using?
  2. If Google presents Google Drive as a volume, it's going to be treated as a volume by other software… The fact that it's not really a volume is Google's fault and nobody else's. Technically, @Andrew could of course add an option to exclude certain drives from "Eject all", but I doubt he will, both for the above reason, and also because it's also very easy to implement as a workflow.
  3. That's bloody good to know. Perhaps you should also mention Google Drive on the relevant help page. Personally, I'd also change the grey-on-grey box that says "We recommend Dropbox…" to a red one that warns against using iCloud/Google Drive. I mean, it's not so much a case of "Dropbox works better" as one of "iCloud and Google Drive don't work". FWIW, I've been using Seafile to sync my Alfred settings for some time. Haven't had any major problems, but I never use both Macs even vaguely simultaneously, and for developers, I must say that Dropbox handles symlinks way, way better (if the symlink target exists on both machines, Dropbox preserves the symlink. If it doesn't, it copies the files.)
  4. AFAIK, that's the only way to fix that error.
  5. Do you have Safari Bookmarks turned on (Alfred Preferences > Features > Web Bookmarks)? If so, that's where they're coming from. Your reading list is stored in the same file as bookmarks. AFAIK, there's no way to prevent them showing up if you have Safari bookmarks turned on. Your best bet is to open your reading list in Safari and delete everything that's in there. It will take Alfred a few seconds to notice they've gone.
  6. The error says “The IPSec certificate (shared secret) is missing. Check the settings and try to establish a connection again.” @alfredappuser When posting non-English screenshots or errors, please translate them to English unless you know the workflow developer understands the other language…
  7. But you are asking about actual, existing workflows, without mentioning which ones. You're not likely to get help very quickly, if at all, that way. Please, try to find the threads for these workflows in the Share Your Workflows forum and ask in there. It's your best chance of getting your problem seen by someone who can actually help. Alternatively, post your own non-working workflow in the Workflow Help & Questions forum, and perhaps we can help you fix that one.
  8. Please don't post questions about random workflows in this forum. Go to the Share Your Workflows forum and post your issue in the thread for the workflow that isn't working. There's no guarantee the author of the workflow will see the post in this forum (they only get pinged for threads they've posted in) and you haven't even said which workflow(s) you're talking about… If you need help with a workflow, please follow the instructions here: That will give you the best chance of getting help.
  9. Released v0.2.3, which uses AND semantics for history search.
  10. You could try setting the option "Touch folders after opening them" in Alfred Preferences > Features > File Search > Advanced, then open the folder via Alfred's file browser mode (enter ~/Dropbox/Documents in Alfred and hit ↩). Sure they do. Monument Valley, for example, needs to store your progress. IIRC, the Documents folder is where every iOS app saves its permanent data (i.e. data that should be included in backups). You're probably not seeing the files on macOS because they're hidden/private files only meant to sync between iOS devices and/or not useable by any other application. It might be worth rebuilding your Spotlight index at this point. You could try a few individual folders first by dragging them into Spotlight's Privacy pane and then back out again. Perhaps try your Dropbox and Mobile Documents folders first to see if that helps any.
  11. Did you open it in Finder first to make it the most-recently used folder?
  12. I think adding adding an attachment can be done with many email programs by pasting the file into the compose window. There are several, but they don’t really cover what you’re trying to do, as it’s Mail.app automation rather than using Alfred. You could do worse than to read the official help docs: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/ As for solving your specific problem, I’d try using AppleScript to copy and paste the file. I’m pretty sure Mail.app also lets you create a message with an attachment via AppleScript, too.
  13. Alfred’s snippets are plaintext only. No rich text. No images. That’s pretty far removed from snippets, tbh. Yes, Alfred could theoretically do that via a snippet trigger, but it depends entirely on which email program you use.
  14. That’s not been my experience. Like I said, I’ll look into it.
  15. AFAIK, there is no demo mode or evaluation period for the Powerpack. If snippets is all you’re interested in, you might be better off looking at dedicated snippet-expansion apps. Alfred’s snippet engine is just one of many features, and isn’t as powerful as standalone snippet engines. Technically, you can use snippet triggers in workflows to do most things you’d expect from a snippet app, but it’s not as streamline as with a dedicated snippet app like TextExpander or Typinator (what I now use).
  16. I’ll look into it. The way that workflow does it is vulnerable to SQL injection. Maybe not a huge deal for local software, but I’d rather something that does it correctly.
  17. Yup. SQLite does support fulltext search, which works the way you describe, but the Safari database isn’t set up for it.
  18. @jkau Posting a screenshot of Alfred when reporting a problem is roughly equivalent to sending your mechanic a photo of your engine and asking why your car won’t start. Please read and follow the stickied post on reporting errors. Help the workflow author to help you.
  19. That isn't what it does. The menu bar action takes the existing tab and puts it in a new window. That's not the same as grabbing the URL and reloading it in a new window (which is what the Open in Private Window script does). In either case, this is exactly why the workflow supports your own custom scripts. If you want to copy a URL and reload it in a new window, write a script to do that. If you want to move a tab to a new window, write a script to do that. Put them in the appropriate subdirectory of the workflow's data directory and you're good to go. If the script works well, you can ask me to add it to the default scripts. (If your script calls a menubar item, be sure to implement it in a language-agnostic way, so it works with a Russian Safari just as well as with an English one, or I won't consider adding it to the defaults.) Same answer as above. Except AFAIK there's no AppleScript API for deleting bookmarks. The workflow will always treat Safari's data as read-only. Changing a running app's private data is an extremely bad idea. As a rule, it doesn't work and/or it breaks the application.
  20. I wrote this workflow that already supports more units than you can shake a stick at (thanks to the library it's based on). No real fractions, however. I couldn't say how much interest there'd be in support for real fractions, as they're only really of interest to Americans, and USians are a (significant) minority of Alfred users according to the metrics I have. Regardless of what you think of my workflow, I suggest you check out the pint library (which my workflow is based on) to get an idea of how best to implement unit conversion. Your if … elseif … else … method for producing real fractions isn't realistically sustainable (you don't want such a large function for every possible unit). It needs to be abstracted into a generalised function that accepts a divisor/numerator/denominator/whatever, which can handle inches, ounces, pints, pounds, furlongs etc. If I were you, I'd look into implementing real fractions on top of pint or a similar library. It'd save you 99% of the work. There's probably already a Python library for real fractions out there, which you could combine with pint.
  21. Could you try opening URLs in a different way? Running open http://www.example.com in a shell, for example. I've had the problem regardless of how I open URLs/paths. It's just more prevalent with Alfred, as I use it far more often than open ....
  22. You have an imagination, don't you? You must have some sense of what would be a broadly useful feature vs one that's only of interest to you. I don't think it was disrespectful in any way. I'm just saying that "for me" is not a good justification for a feature request. And if you can't think of a better one, the request will likely be rejected because few developers are going to implement something just for you.
  23. I suppose that would be the most useful data to copy. Unless you're a paying client, "for me" is never a good argument for a feature request. If you want someone to add a feature to their software, show how it would be useful to lots of users. Nobody cares about a single user unless it's their mum.
  24. I only meant the built-in new-tab pages. But that one is actually even dumber…
  25. None that I'm aware of. The issue I typically have (it's intermittent) is that the app does activate, but macOS doesn't switch to the space it's on. I think the OS just gets confused sometimes. Spaces has never worked very well, in my experience.
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