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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. First of all, delete all those Script Filters. Instead of keywords, put the paths of the Markdown files in your List Filters and connect them to one Script Filter, not dozens. Like this. The way you're doing it is crazy. Your screencasts are far too fast to follow. You're supposed to be showing me something, not trying to break records. I also can't really figure out which List Filters you're using because you're using Hotkeys, not keywords. At any rate, as best as I can tell, the workflow works just fine for me.
  2. Not that I'm aware of. Your best bet is probably to pull apart existing workflows. @vitor has some good ones here. If PHP is your poison, some of these might be instructive. If you have any questions about the best way to go about achieving something with Alfred, the Workflow Help & Questions forum is the place to ask.
  3. I just had a look at the workflow. You're downloading data.json every time the workflow is run. You should really consider caching it for at least an hour or two. (Or better yet, caching the feedback you send to Alfred.) It would make the workflow a lot faster.
  4. It's not very good, for the above-mentioned reason. The Dash script for Sphinx docs only indexes the API docs, not the manual.
  5. What @xilopaint said. "Python" apparently points to Python 3. Which is confusing because the macOS Python is Python 2. Better to use "Python 3" for Python 3. "Python" should point to the Python 2 docs. That's the system Python and what any python executable is. Python 3 binaries are called python3.
  6. Yeah, the results for modifier are crap. OTOH, the search works well enough if you enter the name of the method you're interested in. I'll look into cross-referencing the manual from the API documentation, as that would make the Dash docset much more useful.
  7. Try the search function. It's on every page.
  8. I refer you, once again, to the stickied thread on reporting problems with workflows. You aren't going to get any meaningful help with screenshots or animations or vague descriptions of your issue. You're wasting your time and ours. How many more times do you need to be told this?
  9. FWIW, you should never use : in a filename that's intended for a Mac. The old macOS used : as a path separator, not /, so using a colon in a filename can cause unexpected behaviour.
  10. No plans to spend any time on this workflow at the moment, tbh. I rarely use it any more.
  11. Have you tried adding a Hide Alfred action between your triggers and your scripts? Perhaps also adding a small delay to your scripts to give Alfred time to disappear and return focus to the previous app?
  12. I have a bunch of File Actions, one per tag: The "normal" ones are connected to a Run Script that looks like this (this example toggles the todo tag): export PATH=$HOME/.dotfiles/bin:$PATH tag -t todo -v "$@" (The PATH business is because the scripts live in ~/.dotfiles/bin.) The point of my tag script is that it toggles tags itself: you don't have to figure out for yourself whether the file already has a tag. The killer feature, however, is the ability to toggle a pair of tags. This is the script that the Toggle watched tag File Action is connected to: export PATH=$HOME/.dotfiles/bin:$PATH filetypes -t video -v "$@" | tag -p unwatched watched -v (filetypes is another script that filters files based on their type.) As is it configured, the File Filter will replace an unwatched tag with watched, or if there is no unwatched tag, the script adds it.
  13. FWIW, I've added support for setting variables from Run Script actions to v1.26.
  14. I don't think I would, either, if it were for my own workflows. But it's for the library. I went with AppleScript, as it doesn't appear to cause issues with Gatekeeper. Or maybe it does, but nobody's told me yet… I still don't much like the idea of bundling the app with the library. BTW, I noticed a typo in your script: mount_pointt
  15. It means two copies for each workflow, as the compressed version is still in the library. And one copy for workflows that don't use it. It has no advantage over terminal-notifier except workflow authors don't need to do anything to support notifications. I've no idea regarding Sierra. Don't have it.
  16. It's part of Alfred-Workflow. As far as I know, it works fine. At least, nobody's complained in the 18+ months it's been in AW. Perhaps I'm the only one using it… The idea is that you only need to call notify.notify('Your message'), and AW will drop a customised version of the app (changed icon & bundle ID) in the workflow's data directory without the workflow author needing to do anything.
  17. I asked mostly because I know you use it a lot. Figured there was a good reason you hadn't included it. I use a small AppleScript app for notifications.
  18. Hi Spin, What do you mean by an "Alfred template"? Alfred doesn't have anything that is commonly known as a "template". If you actually mean a "workflow", @vitor wrote the LabelColor workflow.
  19. Released v1.26, which adds the ability to set workflow variables from Run Script actions in addition to Script Filters.
  20. Thanks. What do you mean by "treat[ing] time in the same way"? Like, if I added support for -2h or +90m?
  21. I've not heard the variation with the off-by-one error before. Even better. You're spot on about the bug report. Should really be in the Alfred-Workflow thread, but the library seems to "enjoy" assumed official status (possibly because of the name?) But that's by the by. You posted an exemplary issue, @Tony_Et. Took me less than a minute to identify the issue because you gave me everything I needed to do so. It's genuinely a pleasure to help posters like you, who make the effort to make it easy to help. It's also a big help with improving AW's documentation: You clearly tried to figure it out yourself first, but the information you needed was rather between the lines. Now I know what I need to clarify.
  22. I should probably split the variables code into a separate class that can be also used in Run Script actions, tbh. The only reason I haven't done that yet is because I haven't been able to think of a good name for the class.
  23. setvar() only works in Script Filters. If you want to set a variable from a normal Run Script action, you need to do that yourself by printing JSON as described in the sticked variables thread, e.g.: import json message_str = "this is my message" output = { 'alfredworkflow': { 'arg': 'whatever', 'variables': { 'message_out': message_str, } } } print json.dumps(output)
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