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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. Node.js is asynchronous internally. The Node process itself remains in the foreground just like PHP or Python.
  2. Normally, notifications aren't posted till the script completes. You must be doing something to alter this behaviour. It's impossible to say any more because you haven't posted any code or screenshots of your workflow. If you want help with something, you kinda need to post that something to get accurate feedback instead of guesses.
  3. Ref: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/5993-custom-searches-with-full-url-as-the-query/ Unless {query} is the entire URL, the Open URL action behaves as if {query} is a query string value and URL-encodes it, i.e. it assumes: http://www.example.com/page?arg={query} This is not always the case, however. {query} may also be a part of the URL path, e.g. http://www.example.com/{query}/some/other/thing In the latter case, most browsers will choke on the URL (I think only Firefox is smart enough to handle URL-encoded paths). Alfred should ideally provide a checkbox to turn URL-encoding of {query} off to avoid messing up {query}. Alternatively, it could try to determine whether {query} is actually the value of a GET parameter (for example, based on the presence of "arg=…"), but the on/off option is probably more robust.
  4. Instead of using the Open URL action, use a Run Script action (language = bash) with: open "https://web.archive.org/web/*/{query}" It Just Works™.Alfred is between a rock and hard place here, as some (most?) websites expect {query} to be properly URL-encode, while others choke on such URLs. The fundamental issue is, unless {query} is the entire URL, Alfred treats {query} as the value to a GET parameter (e.g. http://www.example.com/?argument={query}). If {query} is actually part of the URL path (e.g. http://www.example.com/{query}/new), this will break on most browsers. Some are smart enough to realise when a URL-encoded string is part of the URL path, not the query string, but most aren't. Alfred should probably have a checkbox to turn URL-encoding on/off.
  5. Adding "from __future__ import unicode_literals" at the top of the script should fix most of the encoding issues.
  6. Just released a new version of Alfred-Workflow with a very important change. Thanks to Owen Min, Alfred-Workflow will now prevent Alfred from killing your Script Filter in the middle of writing to a file. Previously, the workflow could be left in an invalid state (e.g. empty, invalid settings file). web.py is now easier to use: It will properly combine any GET parameters specified in the function call with any already in the URL. Also added a rudimentary Dash docset to the repo.
  7. It occurs to me that this would also make it possible to do extremely useful things like specify "public.movie" or "public.audio" as the UTI. Currently, it's a PITA to make a File Filter for video or audio files without editing the info.plist.
  8. I've added Wikia support in version 1.8. The Wikia example in the workflow is already set up for the GoT wiki, it just needs a keyword set. Get the new version from Packal or use the built-in updater by entering searchio workflow:update in Alfred.
  9. Normally using Google. Search for "autosuggest API". Most of the current search engines were taken from Instantfox. Both AWOIAF and Wikia are based on MediaWiki, so they have the necessary APIs. I could see adding Wikia, but not most of the others. I think the best solution would be to refactor the workflow to make user-defined engines possible (and easy).
  10. IMDb is a possibility, as it has a suggestions API. AFAIK, none of the others do, so no go.
  11. This is, AFAIK, the expected behaviour. Alfred doesn't do much in the way of post-filtering the results it gets from the metadata subsystem. It will ignore individual files and folders marked "alfred:ignore", but it won't then crawl up the file tree to see if any parent directories are marked "alfred:ignore". This is for performance reasons, and is (again, as far as I know) very unlikely to change. I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve, but perhaps you could create a Smart Folder that would show all the folders you wish to exclude (e.g. "all folders named 'bin' or 'node_modules' or …), then drag them from the Smart Folder into Spotlight's Privacy tab. And then repeat for any folders that subsequently show up in the Smart Folder.
  12. I'm afraid I don't know, then. I figured it may be a hotkey conflict. Like I said, your script works perfectly for me…
  13. Sorry, I wasn't clear. It doesn't matter how you run the script. How are you triggering the workflow? Keyword? Hot Key?
  14. Can you exclude your backup folders from Spotlight under the Privacy tab in System Preferences > Spotlight? This should exclude them from Alfred's results, but also Spotlight's results.
  15. @phcyso: Your script works perfectly for me. How are you triggering the script?
  16. I couldn't find a way to pull the actual computed proxy details out of Cocoa (as opposed to the auto-configuration URL). I'm pretty clueless with Objective-C and Cocoa, mind you. Someone who knows it better might have more luck.
  17. That's because the eBay API is returning results based on your location (IP address) regardless of your settings. There's no need to change the system language. The whole point of this workflow is to enable you to use multiple languages at the same time. You just need to adjust the Script Filter to use a language other than your system one. Adding --lang en to your eBay Script Filter should fix the issue. Please see the documentation for details.
  18. That error usually means you don't have permission to read/write a file you're trying to access. Logging in and out almost certainly won't help. This workflow is based on Alfred-Workflow, so you can try deleting all the cached data and settings by entering lpvs workflow:reset in Alfred. This should completely reset the workflow.
  19. What happens when you use the workflow with ebay.com (i.e. in English)? Do you get English results or local ones?
  20. If you're using zsh, you might be interested in oh my ZSH. It's a very cool and comprehensive ZSH configuration framework. There are loads of useful plugins.
  21. You can. Most of mine are named after their bundle ID (because that's what my installer script uses—also unique, and much more descriptive than UUIDs). I guess Andrew just went with using UUIDs because it's simple and he didn't expect people to go digging around in the workflows folder except via Show in Finder from Alfred Preferences.
  22. Also, it might be necessary to rebuild your LaunchServices database to make sure the app is properly unregistered. Paste this into Terminal: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -f -domain local -domain system -domain user
  23. Uninstalling an application should remove its UTIs from the system, but it won't immediately affect the metadata database used by Spotlight/mdls/Alfred because these data are cached. You have to rebuild the Spotlight database for it to update the cached UTIs. There's a simple command-line app here that you can pass a file extension (e.g. opml) and it will tell you what the UTI is. Alternatively, for a quick check, you can force reindexing of one file and then see what its UTI is in Terminal: # reindex file mdimport path/to/file.opml # show UTI mdls -name kMDItemContentType -raw path/to/file.opml
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