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  1. Okay thank you, it signs in successfully and running op whoami works. Is there a command I need to run to start the process? Update: I got it to populate the database by going to :1pextras and selecting force update. Sorry if I had missed that in the docs earlier. Thank you for the awesome workflow!
  2. CLI is running and logged in CLI is enabled in 1P settings. The debug console just spams the following. } [21:23:13.039] 1Password[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)' [21:23:13.110] 1Password[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [21:23:13.113] 1Password[Script Filter] { "rerun": 0.1, "items": [{ "title": "Sign in and update items", "arg": "update_items", "icon": { "path": "composite_icon.png" } }] } Here is the diag report. ### Launchd job NOT loaded NOT installed ' to Copy to Clipboard [21:25:36.601] 1Password[Copy to Clipboard] Processing complete [21:25:36.606] 1Password[Copy to Clipboard] Passing output '### Workflow version 2023.1 ### Alfred version 5.0.6 ### macOS version 13.2 ### Architecture i386 ### Preferences Default ### 1Password version 8.9.15 ### op version 2.13.1
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