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  1. ah I have overlooked this option. But this seems to work only with words. What I would need is matching of substring in a word. Example: The items are: Hamburg Dresden Kreuzberg Bergheim … if i search for "berg" both Kreuzberg and Bergheim will be results shown in the list.
  2. I have a list of JSON objects where I want to check if a title contains a substring entered in the Alfred prompt. I tried to build it with an Alfred Script Filter (JSON format) using the autocomplete. But works only if the string starts with the query string. What I need is to check if the substring is in (contains instead of starts with) the title. Given the example item below if I search for "I want" this item should be a candidate for selection in the resultslist of the script filter. {"items": [ { "nr": "1", "title": "The String I want to search in" "subtitle": "", "autocomplete": "The String I want to search in", "arg": "", "icon": { "path": "images/a.png" }, "variables": { "id": "213", "value1": "lorem", "value2": "ipsum", "notes": "sadasd sadsad. sdasd" } }, … Is this possible with a Script Filter? If not how could I achieve it?
  3. thank you for the info. Great news.
  4. I created a workflow for moving selected files to folders. I used Task automation for getting selection and moving and a list filter for the folders. All is working fine, except if the foldername contains muted vowels (äöü ). This results in the files not being moved and I get the following error message: ERROR: Move to Folder[Automation Task] Task Error: /Users/surf/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/Automation Tasks/7aa060f4654c2836d857c82267441d4f2506da67c8ac54b8dbdf74f2759ba10d:490:526: execution error: „Finder“ hat einen Fehler erhalten: Fehler in der AppleEvent-Routine. (-10000) I attached a demo workflow here. Is there a way to use foldernames with muted vowels?
  5. Ah ok. I thought I can just copy the file to the workflow folder. After copying the code over to a text I had some error messages since the formatting was messed up. So it took me a while to test and give feedback. Script gets now executed without throwing the earlier error message. But I cant get the variable I set with a Var Object in the script. I get an error s_nr not defined. If I hardcode a s_nr for testing in the script it works as expected but I need the s_nr to be dynamic from the query. Sorry for the newby questions I am still learning how to combine Alfred with scripting. And thanks again for your help.
  6. I just created a workflow which you can find here. The script reads data from a CSV file. After that some text substitutions and calculations take place (omitted in the example workflow attached). At the end the results should be passed as variables for further use in Alfred.
  7. Hi Vitor, thanks for helping again. I blurred the username in permission list ("marc") and the scriptname ("myscript") for privacy reasons. I used the exact filename in theRun ScriptFilter. And Alfred also recognizes the correct file. Since it opens when I click Open file. Username of files in filelist and in path of error message are the same.
  8. I have an Applescript which I have copied to my workflow folder. I followed the tips from this post The preference in Alfred to "Run AppleScripts instead of opening" (found in: "Alfred Preferences -> File Search -> Advanced -> AppleScripts [ ] Run AppleScripts instead of opening) modified permissions of .scpt file with Terminal using `chmod +x myFile.scpt` Used a RunScript Action and entered Filename. File is recognized (if I click on open file it opens the correct script). When I now try to execute the workflow I get the error: Unable to run task! Reason: Couldn't posix_spawn: error 8 What am I doing wrong? I am still new to using Alfred with scripts. Another question is how can I get the query (a string) into the script for further processing by the script? Thanks
  9. Just started reading up on Tasks docs. There are also a solutions for the next steps in my workflow. This is really a GREAT feature. Will definitely come in handy for the next workflows too.
  10. Hi Vitor, wow that was quick! Thanks for the workflow. Did not know tasks yet since I just updated to Alfred5. I guess RTFM is still a good tip 😆 That opens up completely new universe of possibilities.😀 Not only problem solved also new found features via Tasks. I ❤️ Alfred
  11. I have a URL in my User Configuration Variables where one part of the URL needs to be replaced by a query and then stored with the changes later use in workflow. Example: URL is stored in User Configuration Variable via TextField e.g. https://this/is/the/url/{TOBEREPLACED}/continued/url.html I want to replace {TOBEREPLACED} in this var with the input of the Alfred query. How can I achieve this? 1.) I can create a custom Search which works, but I could not find out how to use this in a workflow. 2.) Tried Replace Action with but that didn't work. Text is not replaced. 3.) Searched and found String replacement with bash (https://linuxhandbook.com/replace-string-bash/) but could not get a script to work. Thanks
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