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Everything posted by zarifpour

  1. Say if you’re the author or submitting someone else’s workflow. Hello Vítor. Once again, I have adapted the Google Suggest workflow to enable Etherscan suggestions in Alfred. Share a link to its main page (e.g. GitHub). https://github.com/zarifpour/alfred-etherscan-suggest Get in-line suggestions from Etherscan via the Keywords eth (to open in Etherscan) and deth (to open the contract's source code on DethCode). Press ↩ to proceed — both the contract's name and its address are valid inputs. Cheers! 🍻
  2. Awesome, thank you @vitor. I have updated the icon and uploaded the .alfredworkflow to the `Assets` section. Have a good weekend
  3. @vitor thank you. I have updated the repo to include a release with the zipped .alfredworkflow. I believe you are the one who created the original workflow! Cheers 🍻
  4. Say if you’re the author or submitting someone else’s workflow. Hello, I adapted the Google Suggest workflow by Vítor Galvão to enable You.com suggestions in Alfred. Share a link to its main page (e.g. GitHub). https://github.com/zarifpour/alfred-you-suggest
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