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Everything posted by nyugdijas

  1. Actually nothing happens If I type it, then press enter nor the Alfred window closes, nor a prism opens. Nothing… Just the general suggestions listed below. screenshot If I type it with a “+”, it opens the prism (also I can see the URL in the alfred window below the name of the prism I about to create), but doesn’t open the URL in it. screenshot Thanks for the help!
  2. Hi! Thanks for the great workflow! Helps my daily work a lot. But… Creating new prism with specifiedURL to open will be very helpful for me, though it doesn’t work for me. What am I doing wrong? I have tried the commend you mentioned first prism myPrism www.google.com. , but it does nothing, because I have to type prism + ‘something’ to create a new prism. So, I have tried this way too prism + ‘prism name’ ’someURL’ , but this doesn’t do the job too.
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