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  1. Hi, I'm a new Alfred user and I do not see any items from my 1password. I'm able to view from a terminal with the op command and i've tried restarting my machine. When i run the debugger and type 1p, a list of my items show up on the debugger but not on the alfred search screen. Here are the results from my diagnostics... the Hello from .zshenv is just my echo command from my .zshenv file: Hello from .zshenv ### Workflow version 2023.5 ### Alfred version 5.0.6 ### macOS version 13.3.1 ### Architecture arm64 ### Preferences Default ### 1Password version 8.10.5-10.BETA ### op version 2.16.1 ### Launchd job Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.vitor.1password Installed OUTPUT FROM DEBUGGER (Force Update Items): 13:22:31.664] Logging Stopped. [13:26:11.415] Logging Started... [13:26:21.302] 1Password Processing complete [13:26:21.308] 1Password Passing output 'update_items' to Conditional [13:26:21.309] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete [13:26:21.310] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output 'update_items' to Junction [13:26:21.311] 1Password[Junction] Processing complete [13:26:21.312] 1Password[Junction] Passing output 'update_items' to Run Script [13:26:21.606] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete [13:26:21.613] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output 'Hello from .zshenv ' to Conditional [13:26:21.613] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete [13:26:21.614] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output 'Hello from .zshenv ' to Run Script [13:26:21.876] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete [13:26:21.886] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output 'Hello from .zshenv ' to Conditional [13:26:21.887] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete [13:26:21.887] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output 'Hello from .zshenv ' to Run Script [13:26:33.170] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete [13:26:33.171] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output 'Hello from .zshenv ' to Call External Trigger [13:26:33.172] 1Password[External] Processing complete [13:26:33.172] 1Password[External] Passing output '' to Run Script [13:26:33.191] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete [13:26:33.194] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output 'Hello from .zshenv ' to Run Script Please let me know what i can do to resolve this issue.
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