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  1. Hi @vitor, thanks for the workflow. I found one feature missing in screenshots search, if I want to activate Universal Actions using keyboard shortcuts while in grid view of screenshots search, I got the path selected instead of the picture. Although I can enter image view and press 'enter' again to activate the Universal Actions for the selected screenshots, I can't upload to imgur in screenshots search via Universal Actions. The clipboard image works fine for Universal Actions. Please see attached below for what I get if I double tap command (my shortcut for universal actions) in grid view.
  2. Truly impressive updates, thank you Alfred team for the great work. I can imagine people in the community can build really powerful workflows thanks to the newly updated features.
  3. Thanks @Stephen_C, @sepulchra, I tried the v1.2, it is exactly what I needed! Great work!
  4. Hi! Nice workflow, do you mind adding a new dateformat 2024-02-06 like this?
  5. Hey, I just released a new version of the workflow see [here](https://github.com/yinan-c/alfred-homebrew/releases/tag/v1.4). Hope this will be useful! In previous versions, when you are trying to install/uninstall a cask/formula, you have to enter or tab-complete first to show available commands. It could be helpful to show the details of a package when you are hesitated to install/uninstall, but it takes an extra step to show the commands. So in v1.4, for some occasions when you're ready to install without worrying about the details: You can now directly install by `command + enter` on a selected item in the `brew` list without entering the commands sub-menu. This will help you save time. You can also quick uninstall in `leaves` and `list` without entering sub-menu, directly uninstall by `command + enter`(clean uninstall) or `option + enter`. Don't worry about forgetting `list` or `leaves` commands, in the `brew` commands, you can also find the outdated, installed list at the very end, you can either search by their names or scroll from the bottom. And you can perform quick uninstallation as above. In `list`, casks and formula are now separated by two different icons.
  6. Hi! @Vero@vitor@Andrew, sorry to pin you, but I hope this feature deserve some attention since it is brought up here and by the discussion above a few years ago. I am experiencing the same issue: Currently actions in the workflow can only be searched/triggered via keywords, but it is not human-friendly as keywords are usually acronyms or abbreviations (such as "amm" for about my mac workflow) instead of the actual English words that really mean something. On the other hand, the Placeholder Title of the action is usually describing what the action/workflow is for in plain English, therefore much more memorizable than keywords. And Actually that's more intuitive of how search and filter results works in Alfred, since the Title is the main text displaying, it should be searchable, just like the name of the Applications. So would it be better if the workflows can also be searched via both the Placeholder Title and the keywords? PS: I understand that ? keyword can display keywords from searching the name of the workflow or the configuration panels, but it cannot search the Placeholder Title either. Also, it is not straightforward as I have to do a query using ?, then memorize the keywords, finally escape the ? query and use the keywords.
  7. Hi @Vero, Thanks you for the quick response and looking into this, with the updates to 5.1.3, the problem seems to been less frequent even without checking the box (so far no issue at all). Would you please keep this thread as updated as more information becomes available? Thanks! And thank you together with Alfred team again for the attention and the very quick bug fix.
  8. @Vero Thanks! I am working directly on my laptop screen (14 inch) with 1352 × 845 resolution. I am using this theme, https://www.alfredapp.com/extras/theme/SF7ZcvDGDt/. However, I don't think this is because of themes, since the same issue is still there with default Alfred theme. please see the screenshot below. One thing I need to note though, it is an occasional but frequent bug, meaning it cannot be triggered everytime, but it is still quite frequent.
  9. Thanks for your message and your attention into this issue. I am using: - macOS Sonoma Version 14.0 (23A339)which was pushed on Sep 13th. - Alfred 5.1.2 [2145] - I am not in a virtual machine and using my M1 Macbook Pro. Other information might be related: The problem on the default search page and on universal control happen when I set results display to higher number such as 9, If I set to results display to 5, the problem seems to disappear, but this is still not ideal. The Universal control bug was triggered when selecting anything and type in some random 'word' without result. Hope this helps, Thanks for look into this.
  10. Hi Alfred team! I recently came across an abnormal display when typing something in Alfred, basically there will be some annoying blank area at the top of the search results when doing a random search and at the top of the window when using Universal Actions. These blank spots will disappear in a few seconds, making the texts below them jumping up and down (because blank spots appear and disappear as I type.) This happens a lot more frequently when I set more visible results. Please see attachments. I tried a few attempts like disable workflows, tuning appearance etc .. I still do not know what could be the cause. I would really appreciate it if you could help with this!
  11. Hubhub is one of my most used workflows. It’s really great work! Thanks for making this!
  12. Hi Stephen, Thanks, but as I said, I do want to keep the setting checked as some third-party apps run as preferences and I would like them to be in default search while keeping away in-stock ones. Is there a way of doing that?
  13. Hi, I am using system-settings workflow to search for preference panes, so I would like to hide preference panes in the default search results. Here is my settings, I have removed the /System/Library/Prefpanes/ in spotlight index But still, .prefPane files show up unless I uncheck the Preferences. But I do want to keep the Preferences checked though, because I have third-party apps that run as .prefpane
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