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Everything posted by forgetfulfellow

  1. Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any experience in the area of non-latin characters in Alfred, specifically Korean. So when I put in 려 into the terminal and feed it into a python program like python script.py 려 I print out the unicode of the character and get: 려 == '\xeb\xa0\xa4' Yet when I put 려 into Alfred with the query variable: python script.py "{query}" I get: ᄅ ᅧ == '\xe1\x84\x85\xe1\x85\xa7' This second output is actually two characters, or the two characters that make up the single character. Does anyone know how I can force Alfred to return the first version of the character?
  2. By 'help section' I meant more of a Q&A section, which is at http://www.alfredforum.com/forum/13-workflow-help-questions/ I'll put a post up and hopefully somebody will get back to me on it
  3. Actually... I realized that Alfred already has this built in feature in their workflows. It's under "Actions -> Open File"
  4. Ok, so I narrowed down the issue with korean (or at least I can reproduce the problem). When I put in 려 into the terminal I get the unicode: 려 == '\xeb\xa0\xa4' Yet when I put this into Alfred, I get: ᄅ ᅧ == '\xe1\x84\x85\xe1\x85\xa7' I'll put this into the 'help' section, but basically Alfred is decomposing the Korean word into its individual parts. (Don't know what to call them officially because I'm not familiar with Korean)
  5. I actually just uploaded a working copy that I've verified working for Japanese and Chinese characters, but Korean characters are just not working. I can't tell if it's an issue with Alfred or my python dictionary. The Korean Characters make it to the database (text file), and I have no idea why they aren't being picked up when searched for. I'll be looking into this in the next couple of days, but I can't make any guarantees
  6. Just wondering, is there any way to restrict file types in the File Action trigger? For example, "show for all types of files EXCEPT folders"
  7. Thanks for the workflow! Would you mind if I added on my own improvements? Like opening up a file, as well as cleaning up the iterm opening process (new iTerm window doesn't open when all windows are closed but iTerm has not been quit). Also, I don't believe that this workflow is able to open up folder paths that have names of more than one word? example: user/myname/a folder/
  8. Hi, I'm currently using a workflow that does not work at desired. I try to open a specific location in iterm using the specific applescript tell the last session write text "cd " & q & "; clear; pwd" end tell Going to regular destinations like: /Users/MyName/Downloads works fine, but going to locations with two words or more like: /Users/MyName/Git Projects/Project1 doesn't work. Does anybody with applescript and iterm knowledge know the fix? Thanks, Nolan
  9. Hey dodgymin, This problem has been on the stack for a while. Can I ask what language you would like supported? Thanks!
  10. Hey, One "minor" solution that doesn't solve all your problems, but makes it a little bit quicker: PopClip is an app on the Mac that brings a handy toolbar to view whenever you highlight a piece of text. There's an Alfred add-on for pop clip that sends the text exactly to the Alfred bar. You still have to type in your command, but I guess that this makes it a "little" quicker? Feel free to tell me if this still doesn't work, so I can get a better picture of your problem.
  11. Hey Cooper, This actually looks like a quite interesting idea! I created a really trivial google voice alfred workflow, and so the google API isn't too foreign to me. If anyone is not in the works on this, then I'd love to take a crack at it. However, I can't guarantee any real progress unless I have about a month to work on this, since I'm in college.
  12. Just to make sure, could I get an example of your problem? Like which contact name for you is my workflow failing on?
  13. I actually never expected the day that people might use this app for non-english purposes (me being a silly American). I'm not exactly sure how I'll approach this, but I"ll see what I can do! Thanks for the feedback
  14. Hopefully this looks promising for you If it does, tell me! I might want to use it too http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/programming/applescript/0596008503/manipulating-text/applescripttmm-chp-4-sect-2
  15. Hey gvantass, My app seems to at least work with Google Talk; however my app favors contacting people through iMessage phone numbers over Jabber. If you have ever only contacted the person through Jabber and not with a phone number, I believe the keyword "im" should work? In the coming weeks, I think I'll add a Jabber keyword for these other services
  16. forgetfulfellow


    I downloaded your file and it came as an XML. Is that normal? I'm not sure how to apply it
  17. Hey gvantass, I actually created this extension around iMessage (texts and phone numbers), and I'm not exactly sure how this integrates with things like iChat, Facebook, etc. I actually am not even sure how to get that started... But I'll look into it! No promises though
  18. I just did a pretty huge update on my extension! Alfred should be much more accurate in choosing the associated number. Could you get back to me to see if it works now?
  19. Are you asking about using email addresses instead of phone numbers to send out messages? I actually did quite a big overhaul last night on my extension which prioritized previous iMessage phone numbers over non-iMessage numbers. However I also realized that I can prioritize email addresses as well. The only problem is that if a contact is associated with an iMessage phone number AND iMessage email address, I will have to prioritize your phone number.
  20. Doh! Thanks Aduco for the heads up; that was a huge mistake on my part. I can't believe I did that... And firezemissle's advice is correct to run the keyword "imu". It should create a log of phone numbers and contacts in a text file (that should replace mine). However, since you've already done that and it doesn't work, do you receive the error notification "Contacts Not Updated Successfully. Please check forum post for possible reasons"? To my knowledge, this error primarily occurs because your contact names have a comma in them. I created a complimentary keyword "findcontactswithcommas" that will display contacts that have commas in them. Since I use the "comma" as a delimiter in my program, this usually causes problems. Also it helps people clean up their contact list too
  21. I'm actually quite baffled as to why iMessage chooses these obviously wrong email addresses to use. Since I only feed in actual contact names to iMessage, I leave it up to iMessage to pick the sending medium (email or phone number). As of now, I'm working on a way to better force iMessage to choose; I'll try to post it up in a couple days
  22. Thanks for the picture; since this is my first big workflow, I'm taking some time out of each day to debug it. I'm not exactly sure why it's sending to the last recipient, and I'll update you when I find a fix. I also updated my workflow to get some small bugs out of the way (which are in the change log above). Thanks for "testing" this app out; I don't think I would have been able to really understand an alfred workflow (and applescript) without you guys
  23. Yeah, definitely! I'm definitely trying to get there, but the problem is that iMessage only recognizes an iMessage contact after it has sent the text to the number. I'm trying to study online to see if I can find a solution, but I haven't found anything yet
  24. Hey, I just saw your post. Are you saying that the workflow is sending two messages? (One to the desired recipient, and one to the most recent?) I just tested it out on my system, and it seems ok (but I'm seeing more and more that my own machine is not definitive)
  25. So to outline my procedure: I basically just feed a name into iMessage and "trust" iMessage to pick the correct number. For me, 4 out of 5 times, it chooses correctly. (I know that isn't a great statistic, but as of this moment, I'm not sure how else to improve it). Currently, there isn't a way to extract the correct iMessage number out of a contact. I'm trying to see how to force iMessage to choose correctly, and I'll get back to you when I figure something out.
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