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Everything posted by mjking

  1. Is there any way to configure this to trigger without using 1p? With the old bookmarks integration I was able to have logins show up in the default alfred search without a keyword trigger. For instance, I would just type in Twitter to open the 1password bookmark
  2. I did a little more testing with this. The search works if the search term is only word. If the search term has a space in it, the search fails. Here is a working query: http://cl.ly/image/1a0L3z1r1Z0O Here is a query with two words: http://cl.ly/image/1u1n0N1c173T
  3. Here is a link to download the workflow: http://cl.ly/310l1x1V1h47 Thanks
  4. I have a custom search workflow and the url has a hashtag in it. The # is converting to %23 when I search. I see that you can escape quotes, backslashes and dollar signs, but can't figure out how to make it so the hashtag isn't converted. Here is my workflow. Any help would be appreciated. $input = trim("{query}"); if ( empty( $input ) ): exec("open \"http://news.ycombinator.com/\""); else: exec("open \"http://hn.algolia.com/#!/story/sort_by_date/prefix/0/$input\""); endif;
  5. I think the script may be the way to go. The dual workflows do the job but it still isn't ideal. If I setup a workflow with the keyword "gm" and no argument it will open google maps. The problem is if I search "gm Seattle" the next time I type the keyword "gm" Alfred will default to the search workflow and I need to switch to the other workflow. If it is all in one workflow with an if/then statement it would be smart enough to figure out what the user wants. I'll see if I can figure out the scripting with your PHP library. Thanks for the guidance.
  6. Thank you. I tried that and it worked. I still think it is worth considering this as a feature in the future. Instead of having a custom web search and a separate custom workflow for every site that you want to open or search, you could combine it into one custom search or one custom workflow. It would be easier to maintain a list of keywords and sites. Take a look at shortmarks.com. I think this is a good example of what could be done. For each keyword they have a direct link if there are no arguments and a search link if there are arguments.
  7. On the web search it would be nice if you could set a fallback URL if no arguments are entered. For instance if I type "gm Seattle, WA" it will search Google Maps for Seattle. If I just type in "gm" it would go to a fallback URL. I realize that I can create a second custom search that opens Google Maps when I type gm, but then you are forced to select the action you would like with the up/down arrow keys. It would be faster if it was all built into the web search options.
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