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  1. Hello Vero, I use iCloud and "Optimize Mac Storage" was/is turned off (see screenshot). The path to the preferences file is "/Users/stephan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Apps/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences". In Alfred's prefs.json, there were TWO identical syncfolders entries to that folder (see below). { "current" : "\/Users\/stephan\/Library\/Mobile Documents\/com~apple~CloudDocs\/Apps\/Alfred\/Alfred.alfredpreferences", "syncfolders" : { "4" : "~\/Library\/Mobile Documents\/com~apple~CloudDocs\/Apps\/Alfred", "5" : "~\/Library\/Mobile Documents\/com~apple~CloudDocs\/Apps\/Alfred" } } I then followed the steps here to disable syncing, with the idea to disable syncing, get rid of the additional workflows and enable syncing again. That seems to have worked. So, after a bit of work, it seems to be resolved. Thanks for the hint with the syncing. That somehow seemed to be the culprit.
  2. Hello, I updated the 1Password workflow from the Alfred Gallery. It installed a second workflow in the Workflows list (and the 1Password integration did not work, mostly error messages that the 1Password CLI is not installed, but it was/is). I tried to delete the second workflow entry, but it comes back. As of now, I have even three of them (see screenshot). One is version 2023.6, two of them are 2023.12 (corresponds to the workflows' icon). Currently, the 1Password workflow seems to work (but which one?). How can I delete the superfluous workflows? I tried to delete them (by clicking the "minus" button; they disappear first, but, as I said, they "come back"), re-start Alfred, re-start 1Password (app). Alfred version: 5.5 [2257] 1Password version: 8.10.30 macOS version: 14.4.1 (Sonoma)
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