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Everything posted by jodrell

  1. That was exactly the issue, and yes, I'm using iTerm2. Thanks! 🙂
  2. Not sure if this should go into it's only topic, but I can't get the Workflow to run the sign-in process to update the items. It's not initiating the command in the terminal. I've tried manually installing the 1password command line tools and signing in there but it makes no difference. 1p select "Sign in and update items" expect: terminal (iTerm2) to be opened and be asked to sign in followed by items being updated actual: nothing Diagnostic output ### Workflow version 2022.12 ### Alfred version 4.6.5 ### macOS version 12.3.1 ### Architecture arm64 ### Workflow environment variables Dict { auto_refresh = 1 logins_only = 0 hostnames_only = 1 } ### 1Password version 8.7.0 ### op version In Workflow: 2.2.0 In /usr/local: 2.3.0 ### Biometric unlock NOT enabled ### Custom terminal feature Enabled ### Launchd job Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.1password Installed
  3. OK, so in the OSX accessibility options there something called Switch Control ( https://support.apple.com/kb/PH18393?locale=en_US ) that allows you to configure other devices to do things like tap keys...I'll give this a go to see if I can write an Applescript to interact with Switch Control. If I can I can have Remote fire that script. Think I'll probably test that Elite talks to Switch Control first though :-)
  4. well having had a look around I've discovered that Elite is apparently built on top of Mono ( http://www.mono-project.com ),a "Cross platform, open source .NET framework" so it's entirely possible you're correct. I've tried setting the controls in Elite using the inputs from Remote but they're just not being picked up. Guess I'll have to see if I can find the Mono logs and have a dig about...if what you say is true perhaps I can have Alfred fire a script that simulates the key presses at that lower level, but I have no idea where to start with that one...
  5. I had a thought that using the Remote app on my iPad I could create a version of a Glass Cockpit for use in Elite: Dangerous but I seem to be having issues right at the start. I've created a simple screen with tiles on the remote mapped to single button presses, and then mapped those button presses in game to functions. With the screen open and my Mac running Sublime text I can press the Comms tile and the letter c appears in the editor. With Elite running I press c on my normal keyboard and theComms panel appears. But if I press the Comms tile on the remote nothing happens. I had intended to start with basics and then see if I could build some macros to perform things like takeoffs (short upwards thruster blast, landing gear up, landing lights off - that kind of thing) but if I can't get single button presses to work I can't begin to think about that. Is there any kind of debugging I can access to try and find out what's going on here? (or have I missed something blindingly obvious?)
  6. erm, giveFeedback probably isn't defined because i was looking at other scripts and trying things out to see what worked...in this case it didn't :-) I guess I just need to know what needs to be output from the script for it to be picked up in the {query} section of the notification box
  7. I've created a simple workflow using a script to switch the audio output on my Mac from Stereo to Mono or back. I'd like a notification to tell me what it's just done. I've got a keyword, a Run NSAppleScript and a Post Notification block The AppleScript is as follows, on alfred_script(q) tell application "System Preferences" reveal anchor "Hearing" of pane id "com.apple.preference.universalaccess" end tell tell application "System Events" tell application process "System Preferences" tell window "Accessibility" set monoStereoCheckbox to checkbox 2 of group 1 if (get value of monoStereoCheckbox) as boolean is true then set statusNow to xmlItem({title:“Stereo”}) else set statusNow to xmlItem({title:“Mono”}) end if tell monoStereoCheckbox to click end tell end tell end tell if application "System Preferences" is running then tell application "System Preferences" to quit end if return giveFeedback(statusNow) end alfred_script and the Post Notification has a Title and {query} in the text...I'm assuming I'm missing something simple and obvious but what?
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