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Everything posted by frankspin

  1. This is very awesome, nicely done.
  2. Confirmed with DJay this is now fully working, and requests is now properly being packaged in.
  3. This library really helped me re-jump into trying to learn programming . I've written three workflows now based around using this, each one building on the other and it's been super helpful.
  4. Quick edit: I logged into a sever based in the Netherlands and sucessfully ran this without an issue via terminal. So I'm not entirely sure what is going on, trying to get other people to test this out for me to see. Additionally I noticed requests is not being called properly despite being where it needs to be. Looking into that too. Feedback from someone else and they're getting the same error as you, so it's something with it working on different machines
  5. It's not getting the latitude from Google Maps, which is why it's not able to build the array for Uber. What's interesting to me is I can use this just fine with the address you provided but it's not working your location. I've never really played with localization before and I don't have a VPN, but I'll see if I can get my region changed to test this out for your region. Thanks for your patience!
  6. Can you use the debug window when running it? Is it just for when you use uhome or does it work with utime? Only thing I can think of is region is causing an issue. I can poke around for Germany specific API url's and see if that fixes it.
  7. Enter it as Mainstreet 22, 12099 Berlin, Germany I'll update the how-to to mentin it need the country.
  8. This should work in Germany, I justed it out on my end. As for the error, I forgot to import a module. I just uploaded the fix to the github repo. Also make sure you run 'usethome'/'usetwork' if you're going to be using 'uhome' and 'uwork' so it can save your address.
  9. I haven't had the chance to try this on different machines, or ones that don't have requests already installed, so any feedback is appreciated!
  10. Download: https://github.com/fspinillo/alfred-uber/blob/master/workflow/UberTime.alfredworkflow?raw=true With the release of Uber's new public API, I wanted to build a workflow to check on the estimated pick up times based on criteria given. The workflow was built in Python 2.7, and is bundled with requests and Dean Jackson (deanishe) wonderful Workflow package. What the workflow does Stores your Uber server token in Apple's filevault Stores your home and work address Enter zipcode, address or city with country to get estimated times Get estimated times for your work address Get estimated times for your home address Setup Go to the Uber developer page and register an app Once registered, you'll have a server token. Launch Alfred, type in 'utoken', paste your token and hit enter. A notfication should pop up notifying you it was saved optional Set your home address by launching Alfred and entering 'usethome' Set your home address by launching Alfred and entering 'usetwork' Using the workflow Important: Addresses must be entered with the country. Example: Rome, Italy // San Francisco, CA // Paris, France If you just want to search based on any address, launch Alfred and enter 'utime' with the criteria. If you want to search for times based on your home address, launch Alfred and enter 'uhome' If you want to search for times based on your home address, launch Alfred and enter 'work'
  11. Thanks for the tips Shawn. I'm still fairly new to programming, let alone working in Alfred, so it's been a slower process in this. The text file idea is a good one, and one I was considering, I just haven't gotten around to exploring it yet. The API is still in beta so I'm hoping it eventually delivers more stats (cpu% for example), but I'll work with what I can. I'm hoping to store the droplet info into a file so that you can call actions (reboot, power cycle, etc) on them, but first step is that authkey.
  12. Update 09-13-2014 Added a ton of control over your droplets. Ability to reboot, shutdown, power on, and even create snapshots Download: https://github.com/fspinillo/alfred-digital-ocean/blob/master/workflow/Digital%20Ocean%20status.alfredworkflow?raw=true Digital Ocean's API is still in beta, so this will be evolving as their API access evolves. This workflow allows you to interact with your droplets to perform various functions. Currently you can do the follow: Get the current status of your droplets Reboot a droplet Shutdown a droplet Power cycle a dropet Power on a droplet Create snapshots of a droplet The workflow uses standard Python packages, expcet for Workflow, so no additional requirements needed. Workflow is bundled in the file, and was created by Dean Jackson (deanishe). Setup & use --- 1. To set this up you'll first need get a token from your settings page https://cloud.digitalocean.com/settings/applications 2. In order to control droplets you need to set your token scope to write. If it is not set to write you wont be able to power on, shutdown, or take snapshots 3. Run 'dotoken', and this will let you paste your token 4. A notification will display letting you know the token was saved Using the workflow --- 'dos' will return information pertaining to your droplets. You will get back activity status, name, CPUs, RAM, and HDD size. If the droplet is in the middle of a task it will inform you. 'dod' will return your available droplets. Select the one you want to shutdown and hit enter. 'dor' will return your available droplets. Select the one you want to reboot and hit enter. 'dopo' will return your available droplets. Select the one you want to power-on and hit enter 'dopc' will return your available droplets. Select the one you want to power cycle and hit enter. 'sshot' will check to see which droplets are currently off. If a droplet is not off, it will inform you to power it down first. Select a powered down droplet and hit enter to initiate the snapshot. Snapshots are generated based on the name and date. Example: DropletName-YYYY-MM-DD
  13. This is v1 of a workflow that accesses gameday information and pulls in the game data for a specified team. Depending on the status of the game it will return different information. I'll be working to tweak this more as I figure out the limitations of how much information Alfred can display. Syntax: bb {query} It searches the teams based on MLB's abbreviations scheme, so Yankees are 'NYY' and Giants are 'SF'. This is using deanishe's workflow library and I'm very thankful for it, since it's given me a new project to work on. It was built on v2.7 of Python and there should not be a need to install additional libraries*. If for some reason it's asking for libraries please let me know and I'll install them directly to the workflow folder. Download: https://github.com/fspinillo/alfred-baseball Screenshot: * Basing this on the standard library documentation https://docs.python.org/2/library/
  14. Made some small updates to the workflow now that I've started experimenting with some search context. Hoping to figure out more indepth how to trigger each variable (to, from, etc) and potentially work in user account selection so it doesn't always do unified.
  15. Edit: 2014-05-23 Added some more search context options: subject and starred. Also adjusted the triggers to keep them shorter and simplier to trigger Edit: 2013-12-23 The 1.3 update to Airmail seems to have broke the way this workflow worked. I'll work on getting it fixed. I know there is a thread going on in the help portion so I figured I'd share my current Airmail workflow. Right now it has two components: new mail and unified search(Big thank you to David Ferguson for helping me with this one). Compose new mail: Super basic as all it does it switch to Airmail and open a new composer window. Syntax: airmail new Unified Search: This relies on Applescript and has two caveats: 1. you have to have unified inbox enabled and 2. if the search field is active it wont work Syntax: airmail search {query} At some point I plan to make the compose mail workflow more robust and utilize the Airmail Applescript support, and also expand the unified search to check if the search field is active. I'm just on limited time right now but I at least wanted to get what I have out to peope. Feel free to add or help if you want! Download: https://github.com/fspinillo/alfred-airmail
  16. First workflow I'm sharing, so apologies if it's not the best. The workflow is meant to work with HipChat's standalone desktop application for the Mac, not the web app. Status I liked that HipChat supports quick status messages via keyboard commands so I created a workflow to set your status quickly. It uses Applescript and will trigger a command+tab at the end to quickly switchback to your previous application. Syntax: hc available [status] hc away [status] hc dnd [status] Status is completely optional by the way since HipChat does not require one when setting your status Search Similar to the status workflow this relies on using Applescript. Since the HipChat application does not have built-in search, it will launch a new browser tab with the results. If you're not logged into HipChat in your browser this may not work properly. Synatx: hc search [query] Download: https://github.com/fspinillo/Alfred-Workflows
  17. Yep, that did it! Thank you! I wonder if I can someone make this work with an IF statement but that will be for another day.
  18. Hm, even with adding "using" I'm still not getting it to paste. I keep hearing the system beep as if I'm trying to do something where it can't. If I run it, let it fail, and then run it again it will work. I can't for the life of me figure what is going wrong with it on the first run.
  19. I started working on a workflow with Airmail that would use Applescript to switch to the application, trigger the unified inbox hotkey, and perform a search on unified inbox. I can get the applescript to work up to the point where it tells Airmail to select the search field, after that it wont work. I hear OSX give off the default sound as if one of the keypresses are not going through but even with sticking multiple delays it stills seems like it's trying to fire off certain commands early. If anyone has any suggestions on what I can try I'm open to them. Current script I'm using: on alfred_script(q) tell application "Airmail" to activate tell application "System Events" key code 126 using {command down, shift down} keystroke "f" using {command down} set the clipboard to (q) tell application "System Events" keystroke "v" {command down} end tell end tell end alfred_script
  20. I don't know if this has changed with the new Rdio player but when doing a search now it auto-plays the artist station instead of showing results. I noticed the Applescript file has it telling Rdio to play, I'm guessing this no longer works for searching artists via Rdio?
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