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Everything posted by kozikow

  1. Disabling ctrl as show actions solved my issues, thank you a lot . I would by alfred premium pack again if I could . I don't have enter remapped to ctrl per se. It's still enter if not pressed with anything else. But if pressed with any other button it becomes ctrl. This is to work around lack of right ctrl key on mbp. Thank you again for help.
  2. Since I am emacs user I remapped enter to ctrl if it pressed with something else, but to enter if it is pressed alone. In every app besides alfred it works. Say I want to open Finder and after pressing enter I get following window instead of opening the app: I posted related bug report to keyremap4macbook: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/keyremap4macbook/b1j7hjciTvU Please at least give mi some directions how could I fix or troubleshoot it myself. I can't find any logs of alfred and sadly I can't debug it by myself from sources . Eventviewer app shows all these key presses just as ordinary presses of enter,esc or backspace:
  3. I have esc and backspace keys remapped to different places that more support touch typing. Here are some more details: https://kozikow.wordpress.com/2013/11/04/solving-the-right-pinky-problem-for-touch-typing-programmers/ . Strangely remapped backspace and escape doesn't work if I try to exit alfred window with it. On every other application on earth they work fine. They only doesn't work if currently suggested option is not google search (for example some app) There is nothing reported in Console.app from either Keyremap4macbook or from alfred. It's not that big of a problem and my configuration is very niche, so nothing bad would happen if it would stay the way it is.
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