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  1. That latest script seems to work okay, so I'll put that in as a workaround for now - thank you! There's not much in the way of Terminal settings that seem useful - it's set to open new window at startup and I can't see much else relevant. I suppose it's just a case of trying again on the next macOS!
  2. That script has the same result, but I've got a little closer to the problem: If I have an open Terminal window, then quit Terminal, and run the command in Alfred, everything works as expected. If I have an open Terminal window, close that window, then quit Terminal, I end up with the bug I described originally. So it seems to be an issue with opening Terminal when it is not launching a restored session.
  3. Still seeing the same behaviour with that AppleScript. Running on a 2021 MacBook Pro.
  4. Using Alfred 5.5.1 [2273] on macOS Sequoia 15.2. Steps to reproduce: Check that the Terminal app is not running. Launch Alfred and type `>ls ~` (or any other terminal command), then select the "Run command in Terminal" action. Expected outcome: The Terminal app opens and runs the `ls ~` command. Actual outcome: Terminal app launches (i.e. appears in the Dock) but no windows open. If you run the command from Alfred a second time, a window opens and the command runs. This issue has been going on for at least a month now - possibly longer, I'm afraid I've not been keeping track properly, nor can I remember if there was a specific update to macOS or Alfred coinciding with the bug happening. I am able to reproduce the issue consistently.
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