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  1. Thanks for the quick fix for myself - will this action be required for all users, or might it be possible for Alfred app to target the dictionary app when using the "define" feature? Notably, I never chose to have the Thesaurus ahead of the dictionary, it seems to have defaulted to that when I upgraded to Sequoia.
  2. Ever since upgrading to Mac OS Sequoia, I have noticed that the "define" command in the Alfred App's dictionary returns the exemplar sentence rather than the definition on occasion. This makes the "define" feature decidedly less helpful. This happens with ~40% of the words for which I search. I can't pinpoint a commonality for certain, but I think the common thing between the words is that they have entries in the Mac OS Thesaurus. If there is a thesaurus entry, the exemplar sentence appears If there is no thesaurus entry, the definition appears Example 1: define effrontery (screenshot 1) -- contains thesaurus entry = shows exemplar sentence Example 2: define bagel (screenshot 2) -- contains no thesaurus entry = shows definition Hope this is helpful, ~ Tim
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