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  1. +1 for the favicon. I create bookmarks and custom web searches all the time, and I'm assuming others do too. It's time consuming to find an image online and add it as an icon. It would be very convenient if Alfred automatically grabbed the favicon (when possible) and populated the icon field in the form. Of course the user could still override it with a custom icon. I would suggest using a third-party tool like https://favicongrabber.com/service-api-reference and see where it goes from there (higher resolution images could come later). The http request can be made from the user's local machine, and when it responds an icon can be populated.
  2. Hi everyone! Introducing Regex. http://code.instructorium.com/regex/ Copy any text on your computer. Fire up Alfred and type your search-and-replace regular expression. That's it! Other Features: 1. There is a "quoted" mode (sq) for people less familiar with regex, or simply for convenience. It disables all escaping, interpolation, and regex features. It is a plain-old search and replace. 2. You can save regexs you use often under a name, then execute them by name whenever you want! 3. coming soon: match previews The download link is on my website, which also has more thorough explanations: http://code.instructorium.com/regex/ Please contact me with feature requests or (hopefully not) bugs. You can leave comments here or on my website. Thanks!
  3. EDITED: Currently we are looking to support: 'Perl' 'Ruby' 'Python' 'Java' 'C' 'C++' 'Bash' 'Zsh' 'Sh' 'PHP' 'Javascript' If there is a major language I'm missing, just say so.
  4. Thanks for the quick reply! Here is the alpha version. Now supports errors! http://cl.ly/0B3z1A1Y0y20 (LAST UPDATED Feb 23)
  5. Hello everybody. I am designing a workflow that will allow you to compile / interpret / execute code from most common languages, and then view output, copy to clipboard, or open in a new document. What I would like to ask is what sort of features would you like to have? This is meant to be useful and convenient for you. I will post up the workflow in progress soon. Feedback and feature requests are greatly appreciated! -Matthew
  6. Thanks! And apparently Alfred does not search there because when I conducted the file search on my computer I could not find the file. Anyways, really great software!!
  7. You're right. Somehow I put a $ in front of print by mistake. Also, using $i = '{query}' in my more complex program caused issues, although i have no idea why. It needed double quotes. But in the simpler program, both behaved the same.
  8. I have a workflow in Alfred which writes a new text file. RUN SCRIPT (/usr/bin/perl) open( FILE, '>raischedule.txt' ); print "hello!; close( FILE ); Now, if I had made a file program.pl that contained this code, and I ran it from the terminal, the file raischedule.txt would be created in the same folder that program.pl was in. But in Alfred, this does not occur. So where is it?
  9. I do not know how to do one simple (but important!) thing. How do I output from my perl script so that I have a {query} to post as a notification? My workflow looks like this... KEYWORD -------> RUN SCRIPT (/usr/bin/perl) -----------> POST NOTIFICATION (from {query}) My perl script says... $i = '{query}'; #$print "$i"; #system("echo $i"); #return $i; I commented out all three because none of them worked. How do I output to the NOTIFICATION? Thanks!
  10. And here is an equivalent script using Perl. $phonenum = "{query}"; $phonenum =~ s/[- )(+]//g; system("open tel:$phonenum"); awesome! yay!
  11. Thanks this is what I was looking for!!! Okay so now my python script says import re import os formatted = re.sub(r'[^\d]+', '', '{query}') os.system("open tel:"+formatted) and it works. Thanks for the help.
  12. Can I apply regular expressions to a query before passing it on? For example, instead of "tel:{query}" I want to do something more like "tel:{query} s/\(([0-9]{3})\) ([0-9]{3})-([0-9]{4})/\1\2\3" which would effectively strip the telephone number of its parenthesis and dash. Thanks! (P.S., if not possible directly in URI/URL scheme, how to do it with Applescript or Javascript or Ruby or some language?) (P.P.S. in Alfred it says "URL scheme" but elsewhere I see "URI scheme" online)
  13. It seems that tel:{query} DOES WORK provided that the number in the addressbook (as written in the vCard file) has no parenthesis, spaces, or dashes. Is there some way I can perform RegExp or parsing on the query before passing it in order to strip the formatting away? maybe something like... tel:stripped({query})
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