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Posts posted by manybothans

  1. I prefer to use an osascript which tells Alfred to search for the workflow that I want.



    You can also specify a variable to your workflow search by adding 


    & "{query}" 


    to the end of your osascript.


    So for example, if I wanted to call my QR code workflow and send a variable to the workflow, then I would do something like this...


    tell application "Alfred 2" to search "qr " & "{query}" (qr is the keyword of my QR code workflow)


    This would send my {query} to the QR workflow.

    This might not be what your looking for, but it's a easy work around.


    Thanks for the reply! but no, this is not quite what I'm looking for. The main part I'm having trouble with is accessing the returned XML from one workflow in another workflow.

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