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  1. Sorry, my bad.. 🤯 Your workflow, Alfred PDF Tools works great . Thanks again!
  2. Hi, Thanks for this workflow. I only see below file actions in Alfred and none of the one's you mentioned. Could you please advice what am I missing? Version details: macOS: 12.3.1 Alfred: 4.6.4 Skimmer Workflow: 3.1 PyPDF: 4-1.27.0 Thanks!
  3. I am using Alfred 4.6.4 with Python 2.7.18. Lately, for this Workflow, when I start typing any argument I get web search option and the arguments are not passed to Workflow. I am not sure if the Workflow is broken after the update or if its my system. Can you please help?
  4. Not sure what changed but the workflow started working. All I remember doing was reboot before checking again.
  5. Hi, I installed this worklfow version 1.1.0 (https://github.com/jason0x43/alfred-weather/releases/tag/1.1.0) on my Alfred 3.3.1 and after configuring it using WTO, I get error message "Error: invalid character...g for beginning of value" when I use WTR or WTD. Below is code from /Users/<me>/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Workflow Data/com.jason0x43.alfred-weather/config.json: { "Service": "Weather Underground", "DarkSkyKey": "", "WeatherUndergroundKey": "<my key>", "Icons": "grzanka", "DateFormat": "1/2/2006", "TimeFormat": "15:04", "Location": { "Latitude": 34.0522342, "Longitude": -118.2436849, "Timezone": "", "ShortName": "Los Angeles, CA, USA", "Name": "Los Angeles, CA, USA" }, "Units": "US" }
  6. Hi, I am not sure if I am doing this right or if this is a bug. I entered below query and got response 02-18-2015: dcalc 02-28-2015 - 10d However when I do below I still get the same response 02-18-2015: dcalc 02-28-2015 - 10d x weekends The same would work for "+" sign and the issue seems to be with "-" calculations only. Another things is, I have a situation where I would want to calculate X number of working days before given future date so that I could setup a reminder accordingly. For something like below: dcalc 03-15-2015 - 10d x weekends I would expect to get 03-02-2015 in return and not 03-05-2015 as I need 10 work days before the entered date. Is this something that you think is logical and possible? Thanks! dcalc 03-01-2015 + 10d x weekends
  7. Hi, Thanks for such a wonderful workflow. I am trying to do below and not sure if it's supported dcalc 10-15-2015 - 60d x weekends From above, I want to get 60 days before date 10-15-2015 excluding weekends. Am I writing it wrong or this isn't supported? Thanks!
  8. Hi, This is a really useful Workflow and thanks for creating it. I noticed that if I enter the Prowl API Key using "dial setup", I get error message "Oops. There was a problem. Number not sent." however if I manually maintain the API key by modifying the script file then it works fine. If I enter "dial setup" again then I get below output and not sure if this is how its supposed to be: If I manually update the api_key file and remove the text "button returned:OK," then the dialer works fine. Also, certain phone numbers are formatted as xxx.xxx.xxxx, and dialing such numbers gives me error message "Sorry, xxx.xxx.xxxx is not a valid phone number.". Can you update the script to include such numbers too? For now I have manually added "\." identifier to the RegEx check and it does seem to be working but I am not sure if it will break anything else :-) Thanks!
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