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Everything posted by nosatellite

  1. I honestly have no idea what you are referring to here, sorry.
  2. Thank you for the insight, smarg19. Given that I am teaching myself to script as I go, I will definitely have a look at your workflows. I definitely appreciate your suggestions.
  3. Workflow for Papers3 Not sure how many Papers3 users there are here, but I found myself frustrated with the opaque nature of the new Papers library structure. This workflow is designed to allow for quick searches within your existing Papers3 library. With this workflow, you can search for publications by title, author names, publication year, or keyword. The script filter returns a list of publications matching the entered query, which allows you to open the paper in the Papers3 reader window. To search your Papers library, enter 'pp', followed by the query. The searches are keyword-based: e.g., any word entered into the text field will be searched for in the title, author names, or keywords of your library. The results are returned as titles with the year and shortened author lists (e.g. Griffin C. et al). Pressing return will open the selected paper in Papers3; command+return will export the paper as a PDF (this requires that the folder be designated within the workflow). There are also keyword-triggered actions in this workflow: -expp: Exports the currently-selected publication in Papers3 (e.g., if you are currently reading a paper and trigger this action, the publication will be exported to the designated folder as a PDF- again, this requires that the folder be designated within the workflow). -opp: Opens the current webpage in Papers3 (thanks to Vitor's bookmarklet workflow!); this is currently configured for Safari, but should work if you were to copy and paste the Chrome bookmarklet into the workflow (or, it may do so without any changes). -mpp: Matches the currently-selected publication in Papers3, without replacement of metadata. I hope you enjoy. Download here: https://app.box.com/s/nxyqwx2iib2imxa6jdu1
  4. Here are the links to the bookmarklet pages: Open in Papers: http://support.mekentosj.com/kb/how-to/use-the-bookmarklet-to-import-papers-from-your-web-browser-to-papers Open in ReadCube: https://www.readcube.com/bookmarklet Thank you again.
  5. Thank you for the workflow! I have been trying to get this to work with two bookmarklets that open the current Safari page in an external application, though I have been unsuccessful. However, I have no background in JavaScript and little knowledge of AppleScript. Is it possible to have this workflow trigger a bookmarklet of this type? If so, any assistance in making this happen would be much appreciated.
  6. +1 I was just looking for a way to execute this myself.
  7. Thank you very much for the thought and consideration put into this workflow! I am using it daily! I am new to Alfred (v2 with a powerpack), and I was wondering if it would be possible to add the ability to add a 'sync' argument after the keyword? Thanks in advance for your time.
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