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Everything posted by raguay.customct

  1. Hi, I just pushed another change. I missed fixing one script.
  2. Hi, just upgraded the goAlfred library. The latest beta of Alfred 2 showed a bug in my library (my closing tag was </times> instead of </items>. The older versions allowed it). It is all fixed now. Thanks.
  3. Hi, just upgraded the goAlfred library and recompiled this workflow. The latest beta of Alfred 2 showed a bug in my library. It is all fixed now. Therefore, if you installed version 1.5, please upgrade before you upgrade your Alfred 2 installation. Thanks.
  4. I just did an update to replace the PHP script filters with executables written in go. As such, it is now larger but faster. I compiled them on an amd64 Mac OSX 10.8.4 system. Please try it out and see how it runs on your system. I am still fairly new to the go language and I am not sure if it requires libraries to be loaded or not. I believe not.
  5. I am finding myself needing to have a small, chrome-less window on top of everything that just shows the current clipboard contents. It should update as the clipboard is updated. Since Alfred already monitors the clipboard, this would not be hard to implement. Have it's look similar to the current theme. Clicking and dragging anywhere on the window will drag it around. Have a hotkey that is user settable to display/not display the window. Please!
  6. I think it is. But I will do a double check and send it if not.
  7. Hi, I just updated this workflow to allow for multiple lists. Therefore, if you have more than one list that has items sequenced together, you can use this workflow to sequentially view them. Full directions are in the ReadMe for the workflow. Let me know if you need any other features.
  8. Well, you could create a regular expression to turn all non-alpha characters into spaces, then separate by spaces, and use the first word in a search on the string of the new file name. If one full word is the same, assume it is the right one. That at least would catch the one that I am having problems with. There is only a few with really similar names. Then, if the developer still tries to mess it up, set the "arm out of the screen" procedure to go for his throat! ;-)
  9. I think it is a problem with trying to open a database file more than once. The checker is checking it, but the downloader is writing to it that it has been checked. Because, when I open Alfred, Alfred is set to show the last thing I did. That will run the checker again. I like that behavior for most workflows, but that one workflow does not. When you query your database, are you checking for already open errors? I was running "oop!", but, as you said, the developer is not changing the file properly. You might put a check for the file name being different than the name in the json file and just flag it as an error or something. It is awful confusing to think you are getting one thing, and something else is popping up. Makes you feel like you have a virus!
  10. Also, it is importing Pocket as Things. Since they are different authors, I was wondering if AlleyOOP might be downloading the wrong one, but naming it differently. Not sure and not sure how to check (I am not that good at python).
  11. Hi, I just found an error. If AlleyOOP is downloading workflows and you open Alfred, it gives a long error message in the notifications. Also, I am getting the same three workflows need updated everyday: CyberDuck, Date Calculator, and Pocket. Is it the workflows fault or is AlleyOOP stuck on them? This is the output: Traceback (most recent call last): File "act.py", line 67, in <module> act() File "act.py", line 47, in act ret_path = do_download(remote, name) File "act.py", line 21, in do_download r.download() File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/request.py", line 28, in download self.request = requests.get(self.url) File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/requests/api.py", line 55, in get return request('get', url, **kwargs) File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/requests/api.py", line 44, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/requests_cache/core.py", line 111, in request hooks, stream, verify, cert) File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/requests/sessions.py", line 345, in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/requests_cache/core.py", line 91, in send return send_request_and_cache_response() File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/requests_cache/core.py", line 85, in send_request_and_cache_response self.cache.save_response(cache_key, response) File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/requests_cache/backends/base.py", line 40, in save_response self.responses[key] = self.reduce_response(response), datetime.utcnow() File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/requests_cache/backends/storage/dbdict.py", line 168, in __setitem__ sqlite.Binary(pickle.dumps(item))) File "/Users/richardguay/Dropbox/Richard/rag/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E879F36C-AF56-4485-9465-C0BA954AB54D/alp/request/requests_cache/backends/storage/dbdict.py", line 126, in __setitem__ self.table_name, (key,)).fetchone(): sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: responses
  12. Hi laerador, Thanks for the help with the readme. I am new to Markdown and using GitHub, but I am learning. The library right now is very basic (I patterned it after the workflow.php library). If you think of any new functions or write them, just let me know and I will add them into the main. I would like to see this go well since it helps the workflows run so much faster! I am working on my AlfredTimeKeeper to move it to go as well. Stay tuned!
  13. I just updated the GitHub site for easy importing. To get the library, you have to run: go get github.com/raguay/goAlfred (you might need to use 'sudo' depending on your configuration of go) To use the library in your program, just include it with: import "github.com/raguay/goAlfred" Have fun. I am!
  14. Hi, I just started a new library for the "http://golang.org" - go programming language from Google. It has all the basics to create a workflow using go. I will be adding to it. If you think of a function that needs to be in it, let me know or fork the library and do a pull request. You can get the library and example program https://github.com/raguay/goAlfred.
  15. AlleyOOP quit working for me. It says: Traceback: (most recent call last) File "act.py", line 9, in <module> from Foundation import NSDistributedNotificationCenter ImportError: No module named Foundation. I downloaded the one on your web site and it still gives this error.
  16. The PopClip application will delete an extension after it is loaded. That makes using a Hazel script to import it automatically work very well. I tried to create a Hazel script that would import and then delete the workflow, but it only gets the very first one and the rest gets deleted before importing. Now, I have to manually delete them after importing. It would be nice if Alfred would just delete it when it is done.
  17. The workflow link does not work. Does anyone have a copy?
  18. Nope, that directory does not exit. I deleted the workflow and re-installed, but it is still not creating a directory by that name. I am using the latest Alfred also (2.0.3 (187)). Not sure what the problem is. Many of the other workflows have their directory okay. I created the directory and now the workflow works okay. Therefore, there is code missing to make that directory, or Alfred goofed! Thanks for the help. I am really liking that workflow now!
  19. Yes, I ran devondb! and it said there were no databases. The setup routine shows this: A61B0FBE-8A38-4D90-9AB1-E3CCFC6D7F1C|Church F994146D-D359-4DAB-9928-9BF76E5D88D6|Missions BC3C4911-4363-43B8-9090-D35B85C27458|Personal 291253F3-E462-4BC5-8FFE-AF7B9BF1D769|Sermons EF88DBA1-06E9-4D5A-8005-8FDA378A4C07|Inbox Does that help?
  20. I installed version 1.1, but it says I have no databases! I have DevonPro 2.5.2.
  21. Yes, that is exactly what I am seeing. Thanks.
  22. I just downloaded it. It correctly gets my different iterm profiles! Yeah! The other workflow did not. I like the horizontal alignment feature and it works fine. If I do not already have an iterm window open, the iterm command with a different profile will open a default profile and the profile I stated. Could that get fixed to only opening one terminal each time? So far, that is the only problem with it.
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