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Everything posted by raguay.customct

  1. The website does that automatically. It'n not suppose to on code blocks, but it does. I've requested the fix several times. But, you can get the files from the download. I always use a TextSoap cleaner to fix them.
  2. Just to let you know, my latest Alfred tutorial is now live: https://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/exploring-alfreds-latest-features--cms-27910
  3. I've been experimenting with a new theme and found these funnies. The rounded corner doesn't work for every situation. Some of the corners are still square for different areas (Alfred prompt, Alfred prompt with incomplete keyword, Alfred file browser, and Alfred's clipboard menu).
  4. Okay. I testing with a similar setup. It must be an interaction with some other program. I just closed every program other than Alfred (well, the best I can). It seems to work that way. There must be a program I've updated about the same time Alfred updated. Actually, I believe most of my program has updated. I'll track down the program that is interfering and give them a yell. Sorry, I just assumed it was the update since it happened at the same time. My bad.
  5. I just did a plain input box connected to a clipboard and the line set to ctrl. It doesn't post to the clipboard at all and shows absolutely nothing in the debugger. Therefore, you should be able to test it with that.
  6. Sorry. Been a little busy. I can't get the console or debug unit to show anything. This is a workflow I use everyday since Alfred 2 first edition when I wrote it. I haven't changed anything on it since Alfred 3.0 when I updated the scripts to use the environment variables. You can download it from my GitHub account: https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred/blob/master/Alfred 3/s3cmdToolkit.alfredworkflow The s3c:list command lists all of the folders on Amazon S3 that it is setup for. When you select ctrl on one of them, it give the web address which it simply calculates with the S3 header address assigned and the name of the bucket in question. The script simply connects them together in a string and sends to a "Clipboard" block to put in the clipboard. Everything goes to the script, but nothing goes to the clipboard box and nothing is shown on the debugger. The 4 other lines seem to work, but the one with ctrl doesn't. I can't get the debugger to show anything at all. Since it was working fine before this version, I was assuming it had something to do with this build. Richard
  7. It is working for me, but this version has some of my workflows not working. My s3cmd workflow quit copying an output of a script to the clipboard. The debugger shows nothing coming out of the script box, but the script box unconnected to anything does have the proper output. Very weird.
  8. Since I often do not use the computer on weekends and holidays, it would be nice to have a threshold on number of uses to count in the statistics. That way, you don't get all those zero to the minimum threshold counted in the average usage per day. That would give a more realistic number for the average usages per day count.
  9. Oops...forgot to try that. Okay, it seems to be working. I just tried several that had problems. I'll repost if it pops back up.
  10. I have a snippet tied to the key sequence: ;etd The snippet has this: Another one done: {clipboard} The clipboard contains a long web site link. When the link is very long, the end of the link gets deleted and the beginning still has the ";etd" (or part of it).
  11. When will it be fixed? I writing a follow-up tutorial for Tuts+ with all the new things in 3.1 and 3.2. I really want this one to be in it as well. I would also like to use this with my Quiver Workflow. Thanks
  12. When the {cursor} macro is used in a clipboard paste (not a text expansion), the cursor doesn't make it to the point if {query} is after {cursor}, but does fine if the {query} is before {cursor}. The trace back isn't taking into account the size of the {query} string. Also, not sure if this was in the intent, but the {cursor} macro can't be inside the {query} from the previous action. This latter would be a preferred path of action.
  13. Okay, It is now working on the Mac Mini again. It just took an hour to start up with the text services enabled. But, when I quit and restart it, it acts just like normal. I downgraded Alfred on my Mac Air, turned off text services, and upgraded. It still did not launch. I do share the preferences between the two Macs using Dropbox sync. Therefore, it must be something that doesn't get shared and having to do with Text Services. The Mac Air never runs the Text Services helper program when upgraded and text services enabled. Currently, I have the Air downgraded and the Mac Mini running the latest prerelease version.
  14. It has something to do with the Alfred Text Service. I did not realize it wasn't turned on on my Mac Mini. After turning it on and relaunching Alfred 3, it now will not launch on either system. I launched Alfred Preferences by itself and disabled text services, but that did not help. Hopefully, this will give you enough information to track it down. If not, let me know what else to look for.
  15. Okay. I was able to get to my other system. The version installed was the 3.2 Pre-Release, which looks like it has a lot of nice things. Trying it on the other system...Exact same thing happens. Not sure what the issue is. I'm going to revert my system to Alfred 3 3.11 and keep the other system as is in case there is something you need...wait a minute. The MacMini's Alfred 3 just came up. It is running version 3.2[749] Pre-Release and seems to be working. Now, I'm really puzzled over why my Macbook Air isn't running. I'll let it run and see if it is just processing something and taking a while.
  16. I just installed the latest update and now Alfred will not run. It launches and sits in memory, but the menubar icon never shows up and it doesn't respond to hotkeys. I've killed it and re-launched, but it still hangs. The only message in the console is: 12:14:25.057037 +0700 Alfred 3 com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.AddressBook.accounts.summary com.apple.message.summarize: YES com.apple.message.carddav_accounts: 3 com.apple.message.disabled_accounts: 1 com.apple.message.enabled_accounts: 3 com.apple.message.ldap_accounts: 0 com.apple.message.exchange_accounts: 0 com.apple.message.total_accounts: 5 SenderMachUUID: 58FEFE49-193A-3ED9-A3A7-60D281036A5F 12:20:22.306970 +0700 diagnostics_agent com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime com.apple.message.signature: Alfred Text Service com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Text-Service ||| 1.0 (1) com.apple.message.value: 4640 com.apple.message.value2: 0 com.apple.message.value3: 0 com.apple.message.value4: 0 com.apple.message.value5: 0 com.apple.message.value6: 0 com.apple.message.value7: 0 com.apple.message.result: NO com.apple.message.summarize: YES SenderMachUUID: 215D81FF-30BC-3B87-BE5B-270AC264D09C 12:20:22.348524 +0700 diagnostics_agent com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime com.apple.message.signature: Alfred 3 com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3 ||| 3.1.1 (737) com.apple.message.value: 4640 com.apple.message.value2: 0 com.apple.message.value3: 0 com.apple.message.value4: 0 com.apple.message.value5: 0 com.apple.message.value6: 0 com.apple.message.value7: 0 com.apple.message.result: NO com.apple.message.summarize: YES SenderMachUUID: 215D81FF-30BC-3B87-BE5B-270AC264D09C 12:20:22.354225 +0700 diagnostics_agent com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime com.apple.message.signature: Alfred Preferences com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences-3 ||| 3.0 (1) com.apple.message.value: 2193 com.apple.message.value2: 11 com.apple.message.value3: 1 com.apple.message.value4: 0 com.apple.message.value5: 2 com.apple.message.value6: 2 com.apple.message.value7: 311 com.apple.message.result: YES com.apple.message.summarize: YES SenderMachUUID: 215D81FF-30BC-3B87-BE5B-270AC264D09C 12:20:22.359338 +0700 diagnostics_agent com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime com.apple.message.signature: Alfred 3 com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3 ||| 3.2 (749) com.apple.message.value: 9507 com.apple.message.value2: 0 com.apple.message.value3: 2 com.apple.message.value4: 0 com.apple.message.value5: 0 com.apple.message.value6: 0 com.apple.message.value7: 0 com.apple.message.result: NO com.apple.message.summarize: YES SenderMachUUID: 215D81FF-30BC-3B87-BE5B-270AC264D09C I'm completely without Alfred at the moment. Mac OS: 10.12.1 (16B2555)
  17. I just had a tutorial published recently on JSX programming with examples in Alfed: https://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/a-beginners-guide-to-javascript-application-scripting-jxa--cms-27171 Check it out.
  18. I have finally finished updating my workflows, website, and GitHub site with Alfred 3 workflows. All of the workflows listed as Alfred 3 will work fine on Alfred 3. There is still the Alfred 2 repository as well, but I'm not updating it. I haven't verified all of the Alfred 2 workflows as I no longer use some of them. That is why some are missing in the Alfred 3 list. Eventually, I'll get around to putting them on Packal. My Site: http://customct.com/Alfred3Workflows/alfred-3-workflows GitHub: https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred/tree/master/Alfred 3 A list of all the workflows: 1. Alfred Bible 2. Alfred Browser Toolbox 3. Alfred Time Keeper 4. Alfred URI Handler 5. AnyBar Workflow 6. Budget Workflow 7. Compress Image 8. Copy/Move To 9. DockShelf Workflow 10. Dropzone 3 Workflow 11. DwellClick Workflow 12. ExpanDrive Toolkit 13. Folding Text Workflow 14. Hammerspoon Workflow 15. Haskell Text Converter Workflow 16. MacVim Toolbox 17. Markdown to Presentation Workflow 18. Name Sequencer 19. Next Item 20. Notes Workflow 21. Peppermint Toolbox 22. Picate Workflow 23. Quiver Workflow 24. s3cmd Toolkit 25. Scratch Pad 26. Sermon Scheduler 27. Slap Toolbox 28. Template Workflow 29. Text Case Converter in Swift 30. Text Massagers 31. TextSoap Cleaners 32. Thai Translation Workflow 33. Time Adding Workflow 34. Time Stamp Workflow 35. Title Case Server 36. Todo Workflow 37. Video Time 38. Zip Info
  19. Not sure if what I'm experiencing is related to this problem. I have had this one issue, tab not completing a workflow keyword, ever since I filed this complaint last year. This week, I just installed and started using a different theme. Ever since then, I have not had one issue with this. Also, Alfred is responding faster than before. My old theme was one I created two years ago and I haven't change themes at all until now. Could something in the theme be messed up that would cause problems like this? If anyone else has problems with tab completion and sluggishness, have them change to a new theme and see if it makes a difference. I know, this seems weird, but it has helped me a whole lot!! BTW: This has helped on both my Mac Mini and Mac Air. So, I have confirmed this helped my issue on two different system, but I do sync between them.
  20. Hi, you have my Alfred Browser workflow. It shows how to create file and directory actions. I use it all the time. Usually, I use the Alfred Browser Workflow's ff command to find a directory and open it in the Alfred Browser. Then I move around by typing to narrow down the file list to the file I need and right arrow to action a command on it. There's not a day I don't use it.
  21. Open Alfred and type ~. That will show the Alfred Browser window at your home directory. Go down the directory until you get to the Quiver library file. With that file highlighted, right arrow and select the action "Set Quiver Library".
  22. I have a set of workflows that I use to process videos on our website and attach SRT files to them. Usually I just up arrow to the one before the last command to recycle through them. But, I some times have to execute other commands in the middle. Then, I either have to retype the older command or up arrow until I find it. It would be nice to type in the first two letters and then up arrow through the history that only starts with those two letters. Just like I have my zsh configured to do. For example: My History has: dp:nextfile eh:openSRTfile dc:disable The first two commands are the two that I cycle through, but I then disabled DwellClick with the dc:disable. To do the dp:next file, I would have to retype it or up arrow 3 times. But, with this feature I am proposing, I would type 'dp' then one up arrow and it will jump to the dp:nextfile command. In this example, it doesn't really save much time. But in other situations, it will.
  23. If you want really quick startups, use Rust. The executable is more than half that of a go compiled program (what I've tested so far. Just been learning it). Haskell is the the second largest size, and then Swift. Go has always had a large executable size. Rule of thumb: the smaller the executable programs size, the faster the load. I wrote a script workflow that uses tinyscheme and it runs really fast due to it's real small size. PHP's executable is much larger than Ruby's, and hence much slower in running scripts. Python is about just as fast as Ruby on execution. Of course, these comparisons are based on my usage of the different language. Your experience may vary.
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