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    Panama City

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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Awesome! Many thanks for your quick response
  2. Hello guys, Do you see an option feasible to support the native auto dark mode that MacOS Catalina has? Or maybe adding an option that the user can select a theme for light/dark UI, and let Alfred auto change between each using the OS setting? Best Regards, J.
  3. juanra

    Flat Alfred

    Hi all of you, I was looking for a theme that was aligned with the flat design philosophy but didn't find one that made me smile. I decided to make one from scratch, using Flat UI colors and OSX BlueGreen theme as a base. I want to do dark and light versions with every accent color but i need your help, so fork it on Github and help me. Here is my approach, I hope you enjoy it:
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