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Everything posted by danmcg

  1. I had completely forgotten about that setting! Gah. I set it to see how that works out. It's pretty close to be honest. Not exactly what I'm looking for since I'd like to be able to leave the one finder window open on desktop 1 in it's current spot, though I feel like I'm being picky now... If anyone is feeling adventurous then perhaps they want to give this a shot? If not, I'll compromise. Thanks for the tip though Tyler!
  2. Let's see if I can describe what I'm looking for in steps. I have 4 desktops. Trigger Finder w/ Alfred if finder is not open, open it else if finder is open on current desktop bring to front else if finder is open on another desktop open a new finder window on current desktop Basically I'm tired of being on desktop 4 and I have a finder window open on dekstop 1. I trigger finder to start browsing to drag a file or something of that nature and it takes me back to desktop 1. So then I have to swipe up and show all desktops then drag the finder window to the end then go back to desktop 4 then drag my file. I've googled around and been unable to find anything along these lines. Perhaps it's because we can't get if finder is open on this or another desktop? Not really sure. Thanks for any ideas!
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