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Posts posted by tmonney

  1. Hi,


    First of all, thanks for this great tool!


    I noticed that Alfred does not take the kMDItemAlternateNames attribute into account when indexing/searching.


    The basic use case is described at https://github.com/phinze/homebrew-cask/issues/2847. Basically, homebrew-cask now allows to change the target symlink it creates in ~/Applications. This is useful when several applications have the same final name (for example, multiple Eclipse IDE variations end up in ~/Applications/Eclipse.app. Using target renaming, one can have ~/Applications/Eclipse.app and ~/Applications/Scala IDE.app, pointing to /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/eclipse-ide/4.3.1/eclipse/Eclipse.app, resp. /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/scala-ide/3.0.2/eclipse/Eclipse.app.


    The problem now is that one cannot search 'Scala IDE', since neither Alfred nor Spotlight index symlinks. A solution is to add extended attributes to the application bundle. Concretely, running the following:


    $ xattr -w com.apple.metadata:kMDItemAlternateNames '("Scala IDE")' /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/scala-ide/3.0.2/eclipse/Eclipse.app


    allows Spotlight to find the application with the 'Scala IDE' query. Alfred does not index it though. It would be nice to

    1. index the kMDItemAlternateNames attribute
    2. use it as the displayed label in the Alfred search box when a match is found on this attribute



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