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Everything posted by PBear

  1. Yes thank you that's the way. I found it on reddit, but it's the same way.
  2. I think it is possible, what interests them is that they use their engine and test their intelligence: We help them to feed their db and train their intelligence. And I finally found one, just now: perplexity.ai And that’s good, because I already used their app on my iphone! It is effective, and their datas are "live", not in a fixed 'old' date. For example if we ask it what is the next marvel movie, we really have the next movies. When I tried on bard and chatgpt(3), they proudly announced the next films ... which were on dates in the past. I'm gonna use this one for now and see how it's going on.
  3. That's the exact purpose of my question.
  4. Hello, I love Alfred and especially his clipboard management and customizable searches. I use more and more AI to do my research. Often via the shell (with Shell GPT) and sometimes via gemini/google or copilot. But for these last two, I must each time go to the website (open a tab in my browser etc.) Is it possible to configure an "AI search engine" like we do for traditional search engines? So I can run my request from Alfred directly. Do as Startpage: https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query={query} It would be something like: https://copilot.microsoft.com/do/dsearch?query={query} (Or some other effective AI search engine) KR, Rmq: I know that we can also launch chatgpt "in" Alfred with the beta version but I do not like the presentation (at least for now).
  5. It works. At least partially, or I'm not sure. Now it shows only one, but not the one from /Applications , the other one. Is it normal ?
  6. Hello, When I search for Safari, it gives me: So the first one is supposed to be the good one but Alfred shows it without icon (but when I check inside the /Applications folder it actually has one) And the second one I don't know what is it. Why and how can I correct that ? Thank you
  7. Thank you for your WF, I thought u wanted I do a test for further investigation. So for now I use it, it helps me and I thank you. But I wish the problem could be solved.
  8. Hello, Yes it's checked ( I did check already this option).
  9. Thank you for ur suggestion. It does not work unfortunately. Yes it created again a new Bookmarks folder after ~1 min, and filled it with more than 280 .webbookmark files. But Alfred still does not search into it.
  10. I have the same problem. Since I have Sierra, Alfred doesn't search into my bookmarks anymore. Any solution ?
  11. In /Users/myuser/Safari/Bookmarks/ It should not be there ? I dont know, maybe I put it there myself long time ago.
  12. Thank you, you was right and I didn't think to check with the action panel.. There is a copy here: /Users/myuser/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/Bookmarks/ So to solve my problem i deleted it and remove this directory from the "Search Scope" list in the alfred preferences. Is it ok or it could bring some troubles ?
  13. Hello, Every bookmark I search for, alfred gives it to me, but always twice. And the bookmarks appears only one time in my bookmarks list ! Proof in my Safari: Why and how could I fix it ? Thank you,
  14. Thank you ! I confirm it works with Alfred3 and it's very useful
  15. Same as Wheeles, it says it has copied the link in the clipboard, but it actually copied nothing. Has someone fixed it ?
  16. Hello, Is this workflow still working ? I'd like to try it but the author hosted it on a dead service. Have someone a copy ? Thanks
  17. Hello, Thank you for your help. Indeed I activated again the spotlight index and it works. For people who got the same problem: sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist Have a nice day,
  18. Hello, I face the same problem. I tried already all the tips from here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/safari-bookmarks/ Is it related to Spotlight ? Because I disabled the spotlight server ( since I use Alfred in place of Spotlight ).
  19. @bcartledge1871 Any chance you fix your script with the advices of Shawn Rice ? If someone else would like to fix it too, here is the script
  20. Hello, Does someone could create a Workflow to be able to run a session from the bookmark list of SecureCRT into a new tab ? Securecrt is a great app to manage - mainly - telnet and ssh sessions and well used in entreprises. There is already a workflow created by Daniel Cartledge (I thank him) but that does not work well. Thank you,
  21. I found your script.workflow on the web. But it does not work. I face several problems. One is the script calling "Securecrt /T", this option is not supported (anymore?). But it's not the main problem. A big problem is the caveat you was talking about: All the sessions and directories must be without space. It's a big problem :s Is there any script expert around who could fix it ?
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