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Everything posted by Carlos-Sz

  1. Check the workflow topic here to read about news and test the features. Card and HTML preview (screenshots from version 7.0 I think - current is 8.7):
  2. I don’t have Yosemite installed yet but all problems reported so far are basically related to the settings.plist file. It seems it is not being created under Yosemite. Can you please try to add Alfred and AppleScript Editor to Accessibility / Privacy list in Preferences Security & Privacy? Thank you. PS: as soon as Yosemite is available I’ll update my working Mac and check all the issues.
  3. The workflow supports the card preview (Evernote default) as well as HTML preview as an option (if you’d like to see the note content).
  4. It seems Mailbox does not support AppleScript.
  5. Current released version is 8.7: Download And this is the version I’m working on (support for templates and testing new Alfred features): Download
  6. Make sure to use (or select or highlight) Type a Note.
  7. I don’t have Yosemite installed yet. I’ll update all my workflows when Yosemite is released. Thank you for your feedback.
  8. I don’t have Yosemite installed yet but as soon as possible I’ll update all my workflows. Thank you for your feedback. PS: you can try to move the plist file ("/Users/Jayphen/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.sztoltz.recentitems/settings.plist”) to a temporary location then try the workflow again.
  9. I think you forgot to list one: "alfred_theme_subtext” = 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 Please!
  10. I tried with or without the both new settings. Same result. I have also tried David’s Favorite workflow and modifiers of the “faves” keyword are not shown either. Great. Thank you.
  11. No problem Andrew. By the way, the "Show result subtext for alternative (modifier) actions when subtext is hidden. Option available in Appearance preferences” is not working. When I show Alfred and type the keyword enn (from Evernote workflow) none of the modifiers subtext is displayed: nothing happens e.g. if I press option key the "Append to a note with date” is not displayed.
  12. I don’t have Yosemite installed yet. Anyway, I’ll see if I can change the code regarding opening the editor. Thank you for your feedback.
  13. Great! By the way Andrew, what about a new Alfred command (AppleScript) to get the subtext setting so we don’t have to look for and read the Alfred preferences file? Thank you in advance.
  14. It’s nice to see a hidden subtext of course but is that also mean that any modifier of a workflow will be displayed? I mean, my Evernote workflow uses almost all modifiers keys available but if subtext is hidden they are useless.
  15. I thought about it but for such task the workflow would need a third party tool (maybe Pandoc) but installing extra packages is something I try not to do in my workflows. At least not for now. Right now the workflow can paste the text as it is or convert markdown to BBCode (forum code).
  16. An application like UI Browser may help you: http://www.macupdate.com/appnew/mac/34028/ui-browser
  17. I think the move to end of line was an user suggestion that I use most of the time. Anyway, I may add an option for that. Thank you for your feedback.
  18. As far as I know Evernote does not have this feature. But it would be useful indeed.
  19. Right now it is not possible to append a message (its file). I’ll see if I can do something about it. Thank you for your feedback.
  20. This is an Evernote bug. I have already reported the issue. It is working here. Can you please give me a step by step so I can try to reproduce the issue? In addition, try to delete the workflow, restart Evernote, download and install the workflow again. Thank you.
  21. I think that after a space after the keyword ps the printer preference will be removed from the list. Anyway, you can remove OSX preferences from Alfred altogether: Alfred Preferences > Features > Default Results I got the idea but if something goes wrong then the notification will be misleading unless I kind of copy some of your ideas and cache errors. I’ll see what I can do about it. Right now I’m thinking in a way to automate the process: if there is a selected text then the description will be added. No need to type anything in Alfred.
  22. Make sure to use Evernote from evernote.com and not from MAS.
  23. If I run the original code in AppleScript Editor the "(count of items) in trash” returns zero items but if I type “tell application Finder” then it will return the number of items in trash properly. Anyway, I don’t know why AppleScript Editor is not showing an error.
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