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  1. The workflow now works perfectly, also in LibreOffice. Thank you very much.
  2. Thank you for the precision. I have already adopted the terms to the system language. In TextEdit or Safari, the workflow works correctly; however, in LibreOffice (which I regularly use for editing documents and spreadsheets), it curiously always repeats the previously used address from the workflow in another application. No matter how many times I select other folders, it always repeats the last one that worked. However, in 'Debugger Running,' I see that it writes the requested address without any error, but it still doesn't change it in the window
  3. I don't know if it's because the system language is Spanish or if I am not using this workflow correctly, but it doesn't work for me. However, I can still use @ahmadt's workflow without any issues. Any suggestions?"
  4. I love your workflow, which now works perfectly in my Dropbox folder. It’s a pleasure to have nearby, just a click away, people as prepared and willing as you to spend their time helping others. Thank you very much Vitor
  5. Thank you for your quick response. Let me start by saying that I have no idea about computers, but I find it curious that Alfred can easily locate the screenshot files stored in the “Screenshots” folder I have in Dropbox (actually in the “Capturas de pantalla” folder) and that they are also visible with the “View in Alfred” action. I ran a screenshot file through Alfred’s “troubleshooting” and found that kMDItemIsScreenCapture=1. If there’s no other option, I’ll have to move the folder out of Dropbox… bad luck.
  6. The workflow (v2024.4) does not produce results when the folder containing the screenshots is located in Dropbox (~/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/). If the folder is located on the desktop or in documents, the workflow works perfectly. Is it possible to fix this? Thank you.
  7. Indeed. It was all Dropbox's fault (in its new location). Thank you very much for everything. Great workflow.
  8. I have a collection of snippets that I wanted to modify because I had added a suffix to each snippet that I wanted to remove. To do this, I exported the collection (with the same name +#2) and converted it to CSV using its 'snippets transformer' workflow with correct results. I opened the CSV file and modified the snippets (removing the incorrect suffix I had added to each one) and saved the file. Later, I performed the reverse process and converted the .CSV file back to a .alfredsnippets file using its workflow, which was then imported into Alfred 5. After installing the new collection (with #2), I added a (*) general suffix to it. However, when I try to expand text with a snippet from the collection, I get no results. I tried to delete the created collection, but it's impossible, and an error message appears in the top left corner saying: 'The file “XXX(2)” could not be moved to the trash.' What did I do wrong? Thanks
  9. Very educational. Thank you very much.
  10. Thank you for your quick response, but (I'm very clumsy) I can't find the "checkbox right at the top" where I can write the address.
  11. It seems that this workflow only looks for screenshots hosted in desktop folders. Could another hosted folder be selected, for example, in documents? Thank you.
  12. The flow stopped working for me and I don't know what could have happened. I reinstalled macOs and it hasn't worked since. The mistake is: ERROR: Alfred PDF Tools[Run Script] xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun The /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/ folder only contains the “share” and “lib” folders I'd appreciate your help
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