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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. If you update to the latest version, you wont see the error because it doesn't use php anymore.
  2. The solution is to replace $word = "{query"} by $word = urlencode(iconv('UTF8-MAC','UTF8', "{query}")); I found the answer 1: because I saw that urlencode($query} returned "e%CC%81" for the letter "é", it's "e" followed by " ́" 2: via this post which confirmed that : The complete and cleaned script is now: require("workflows.php"); $wf = new Workflows(); $word = urlencode(iconv('UTF8-MAC','UTF8', "{query}")); $url = "http://www.synonymo.fr/synonyme/".$word; // replace file_get_contents with $wf->request // it's not better, it's cleaner IMHO $raw = $wf->request( $url ); // $raw = file_get_contents( $url ); $pattern = '/<a class="word".*>(.*)<\/a>/'; preg_match_all($pattern, $raw, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $key) { $wf->result( time(), $key, $key, 'Chercher '.$key, 'icon.png', 'yes', $key); } echo $wf->toxml(); It took me HOURS to figure this out.
  3. I've monitored the result of the mdls command, and I still have a kMDItemContentCreationDate of 2014-03-17. And Alfred is now as fast as before. I have no idea why the cache was cleared, but the problem seems to have disappearred! Thanks, Stephan
  4. I've cleared the application cache, rebuilt the OS X Metadata, problem is still there.
  5. When I type quickly my hotkey, followed by the shortcut for an app and return, Alfred goes directly to a google search. If I wait a little (less than 1 sec), Alfred correctly shows the app I'm looking for as the first choice. Example: I've "1p" as a shortcut for 1Password (and I use it all the time) Typing fast: cmd-space (my shortcut) for Alfred 1p return => goes to google. This happens once, then it's OK for the day. After the first try, the app is correctly shown as the first choice immediately. It's like my app cache is cleared from time to time? (just a guess). I'm using Alfred 2.2 (v243). It didn't happen with the previous version (2.1.1) Stephan
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