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Everything posted by alnetloc

  1. I have your Alfred workflow installed - seems like great idea and very useful tool. However, it is not doing anything for me. I have Alfred 5, and your version 3 of the workflow. I have configured to 500 pixels and identified an originals folder. However, when I pick an image file, and action the workflow app, nothing happens...literally. There's no error message, no flashing lights, no file created or moved into folder...nothing. Any advice or trouble-shooting you can recommend? Screen grab shows the file and workflow selected - from there, I press enter, then...nothing.
  2. Well, I finally got it working after all. Thanks for your help.
  3. Ok, now nothing happens. I copied the script you corrected above, put it into a standalone workflow with a hotkey and run it...but nothing happens... Visually, I don't see the Alfred command prompt appear, nor does the clipboard clear.
  4. Ok, this is probably basic stuff to you, but now I'm not even getting the frozen Clear command...and my quit terminal is no longer working. Here's what I have (this comes at the end of a series of workflow items to lock screen, unmount drive with terminal command, delete some files (with Automator), then this, below. I'm sure there's a more elegant/efficient way to do all this, but it's within my ability -- or so I thought, lol): tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to search "clear" tell application "System Events" delay 0.5 key code 36 -- delay 3 -- tell application "terminal" quit end tell
  5. This is something I really want to do - I have a workflow that unmounts drives, locks screen and (tries to) clear clipboard with Apple Script. The Alfred command line and Clear command appear, but the Enter key code (36) apparently does not get issued. As best I can tell, the window focus is not on the Alfred window for the key code to be effective. Any additional ideas?
  6. Upon searching and locating a file (say an image file) I right arrow to action on the item, then choose to 'email to' the file, then search and select a contact to send the file to. All goes fine until email app fires up. Background: I have Thunderbird as my default email app - which works just fine with Alfred when I go directly to search and select a contact to launch email. However, when I use the 'email to' to send a file, my Apple Mail app launches. ...not what I want. Any way to solve this?
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