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Everything posted by avayl

  1. Just wanted a really clean, minimal black theme with no branding, easy to see, and very functional. Hope someone finds it useful. Link
  2. I can't find any way to do this natively in Alfred, but it seems like a bug, or I am missing something. Can anyone help with more info? I am currently using this neat workflow as a work around.
  3. Hi All, I work for NSONE and use Alfred all the time. I wanted a nice way to quickly display my website's current QPS (queries per second) to get a real-time snapshot of traffic. So naturally, we put together a neat little workflow to do just that. Default keyword is 'nsone' but you can easily customize and even add a hotkey if you wish. Please remember you need to generate an API key in your NSONE account and set it in the workflow's python script. Thanks, Alex https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29173129/NSONE.alfredworkflow
  4. Yes, you're correct. Luckily I found this workflow which seems to do just that! http://www.packal.org/workflow/move
  5. Hi all, New Alfred user here. I wanted a way to open a new tab, new window, and new incognito window from alfred, but couldn't find an existing workflow for new tab so I hacked one together from the 'new window' workflow I found. And I figured someone might be interested in having all 3 in a single place. Here's a zip of the workflows for anyone interested: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29173129/Google%20Chrome%20Workflow%20Kit%20for%20Alfred.zip And here is the applescript I used for each: New Chrome Window on alfred_script(q) tell application "/Applications/Google Chrome.app" make new window activate end tell end alfred_script New Chrome Tab tell application "System Events" set myList to (name of every process) end tell if (myList contains "Google Chrome") is false then do shell script "open -a Google\\ Chrome --new --args" else tell application "Google Chrome" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "t" using {command down} end tell end if New Incognito Window tell application "System Events" set myList to (name of every process) end tell if (myList contains "Google Chrome") is false then do shell script "open -a Google\\ Chrome --new --args -incognito" else tell application "Google Chrome" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "n" using {command down, shift down} end tell end if
  6. When using the 'move to' action on a file from my laptop's /Download folder to an external drive it actually just copies over and doesn't remove the original. I figured a workaround will be to perform a 'copy to' action and then delete the original. Can someone tell me how this can be accomplished as a workflow? Thanks, Alex
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